Tag Archives: command

Error while trying to run project:unable to start debugging.the debugger is not properly installed. run setup to install or repa

Error while trying to run project:unable to start debugging. the debugger is not properly installed. run setup to install or repair the debugger。

Solution 1: Run the Visual Studio .NET Add/Remove feature from “Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs”, by selecting the correct version of Visual Studio and clicking on “Change/Repair” button. In my case this solution did not fix the problem.

Solution 2: Reinstall .NET Framework debugging services.

Open command prompt
Type “cd /d %windir%/Microsoft.NET/Framework/”
regsvr32.exe mscordbi.dll
Unfortunately, this solution did not fix my problem either.

Solution 3: Manually register mdm.exe.

Open command prompt
Type “%CommonProgramFiles%/Microsoft Shared/VS7Debug/mdm. exe” /regserver
This solution did not work for me either.

Net start command system error 5 and error 1058 solution

Source: http://blog.csdn.net/u012586848/article/details/46860839

1. Net start command

The net start command is used to start the service in the form of net start [service name] (the corresponding “net stop [service name]” is the command to close the service)

2. Open the default instance service of sqlserver

[win + R] shortcut – & gt; CMD – & gt; net start MSSqlServer

Prompt error “system error 5 occurred”, the screenshot is as follows:

3. Error analysis

The reason for this error is that there is a difference between the administrator and non administrator permissions in win7/win8 command prompt, and the net stat command can only be run under the administrator permission.

4. Solutions

1) Open the command prompt with administrator’s permission: [start] — & gt; search for “CMD” — & gt; right click “run as administrator”, or use the shortcut key [win + X + a]

2) Enter “net start MSSqlServer” successfully. The screenshot is as follows:

note appended:

The above method can solve the “system error 5 access denied” error of the “net start” command, but it may still not be able to open the corresponding service, prompting “error 1058”, as shown in the figure below:

As shown in the error prompt in the figure, the reason may be that MS SQL server has been disabled or its associated device has not been started. For MSSqlServer service, find the “MSSqlServer” service in control panel — & gt; management tools — & gt; services, double-click to open properties, and select the dependency tab to see that the service has “no dependency”. Therefore, the reason of “other associated devices are not started” is excluded, as shown in the following figure

Switch the properties window to the General tab, and you can see that the service status is “stopped” and the start type is “disabled”. Change the start type to one of the other three items besides “disabled” – & gt; [OK].

Reference source:

one http://answers.microsoft.com/zh-hans/windows/forum/windows8_ 1-performance/%E8%BF%90%E8%A1%8Cnet-start/bec244e5-6385-4950-adc8-0d004905e41a?auth=1

two http://www.2cto.com/database/201304/200600.html

Mac command not found solution

MacBook Air command not found. This may have been caused by modifying the Profile when configuring Java Path.
: ls CD, vim, sudo, man command not found

1. First, enter commands so that you can use commands such as Vim temporarily

export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin

Then open ~/.bash_profile

vim ~/.bash_profile

2. Add PATH

export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:${JAVA_HOME}:${JAVA_HOME}/bin"

3. Restart Profile

source ~/.bash_profile

Exit Terminal, open it again, and type Vim to see if it works

QT learning 3: configuration and testing of QT creator 2.4.1 development environment

1. System environment
Host operating system: Ubuntu 10.04
Host compiler: gcc4.4.3,
Cross compiler: arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2
Prerequisites: build three compiled versions of Qt4.6.3: PC,X86, ARM
2. Install
Download address: http://www.developer.nokia.com/dp?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fsw.nokia.com%2Fid%2F8ea74da4-fec1-4277-8b26-c58cc82e204b%2FQt_SDK_Lin32_offline
Run it directly and follow the default steps to install it. It’s included
Qt creator — against 2.4.1
3. Configuration of Qt-Creator development environment
1. Start Qt-Creator.
2. In the QT-Creator menu bar Tools–>; Options opens the Options window.
3. On the left side of the Options screen, click Build & Run—> The right side of QtVersions displays the QTVersions setting interface.

4. Click Add on the right side to Add the path of qmake:

At this point, Qt- Creator is configured.
5 sample
Here is divided into two parts, first compiled under x86, and run under QVFB, and then compiled under ARM, moved to the development board to run.
From/usr/local/Trolltech QtEmbedded 4.6.3/demos copy books routines to root under/TMP folder.
5.1×86 compilation and debugging
5.1.1 Start Qt-Creator, File–>; Open File or Project,
Open the root/TMP/books/books. Pro.
5.1.2 Select Compiler

Click Finish and the screen appears

The lower on the left allows you to modify compiler-specific configurations at any time
5.1.3 Modify the configuration
Click and add the -qws parameter, because you want to run under QVFB

5.1.3 compile

5.1.3 run
Start the QVFB
#qvfb -width800 -height 480 &

So this is the result
5.2 Compiling and debugging under ARN
Leave it on hold


1. Qt embedded environment construction and transplantation
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found: Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found: Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found

Windows 7 system, start to run input CMD, the window flashed by, disappeared

First of all, my system is Windows 7, this is also suitable for other systems, because my computer is Windows 7 of this problem, so I just in Windows 7, my computer is likely to be used with the first of a virus or Trojan and later killed and incomplete, but kill may have this problem, for example I will use the CMD window to view the IP ah, see ping network speed ah of what, don’t have the CMD feel very uncomfortable, but every time I enter CMD, one black car window is a flash is automatically shut down, no time to lose anything, Through checking the information, fumbled to find a solution, if you also have a similar problem, according to the following methods do not prevent to try.

The CMD command window is used in some special cases, such as PING to see if the network is connected. If you run commands such as Disk Format Conversion in the CMD window, enter CMD Enter and the black box of the CMD command will flash out and disappear, please refer to the following solution.

a, first check the C: \ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 of CMD EXE exists, the document date is normal;
test result is normal, same as other system file date, should not be this problem.


view after found (if there is no need to add)

3, it is not in the above two common problems, should be modified is the registry.
ey_local_machine \Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun (There is no numerical value, but a flash may be eXist, it can be cleared.)

, if it still doesn’t work, try using CMD /k, for example “CMD /k ipconfig /all” in the “Run” window.

How to execute Makefile

Compiling your source code files can be tedious, specially when you want to include several source files and have to type the compiling command everytime you want to do it.  
Well, I have news for you… Your days of command line compiling are (mostly) over, because YOU will learn how to write Makefiles.
Makefiles are special format files that together with the make utility will help you to automagically build and manage your projects.
For this session you will need these files:
main.cpphello.cppfactorial.cppfunctions.h I recommend creating a new directory and placing all the files in there.
note: I use g++ for compiling. You are free to change it to a compiler of your choice
The make utility If you run


this program will look for a file named 
makefile in your directory, and then execute it.

If you have several makefiles, then you can execute them with the command:

make -f MyMakefile

There are several other switches to the 
make utility. For more info, 
man make.
Build Process

    Compiler takes the source files and outputs object filesLinker takes the object files and creates an executable

Compiling by hand The trivial way to compile the files and obtain an executable, is by running the command:

g++ main.cpp hello.cpp factorial.cpp -o hello

The basic Makefile The basic makefile is composed of:

target: dependencies
[tab] system command

This syntax applied to our example would look like:

	g++ main.cpp hello.cpp factorial.cpp -o hello

To run this makefile on your files, type:

make -f Makefile-1

On this first example we see that our target is called 
all. This is the default target for makefiles. The 
make utility will execute this target if no other one is specified.

We also see that there are no dependencies for target 
all, so 
make safely executes the system commands specified.

Finally, make compiles the program according to the command line we gave it.

Using dependencies Sometimes is useful to use different targets. This is because if you modify a single file in your project, you don’t have to recompile everything, only what you modified. 

Here is an example:

all: hello

hello: main.o factorial.o hello.o
	g++ main.o factorial.o hello.o -o hello

main.o: main.cpp
	g++ -c main.cpp

factorial.o: factorial.cpp
	g++ -c factorial.cpp

hello.o: hello.cpp
	g++ -c hello.cpp

	rm -rf *o hello

Now we see that the target all has only dependencies, but no system commands. In order for make to execute correctly, it has to meet all the dependencies of the called target (in this case all).
Each of the dependencies are searched through all the targets available and executed if found.
In this example we see a target called clean. It is useful to have such target if you want to have a fast way to get rid of all the object files and executables.
Using variables and comments You can also use variables when writing Makefiles. It comes in handy in situations where you want to change the compiler, or the compiler options.

# I am a comment, and I want to say that the variable CC will be
# the compiler to use.
# Hey!, I am comment number 2. I want to say that CFLAGS will be the
# options I'll pass to the compiler.
CFLAGS=-c -Wall

all: hello

hello: main.o factorial.o hello.o
	$(CC) main.o factorial.o hello.o -o hello

main.o: main.cpp
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.cpp

factorial.o: factorial.cpp
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) factorial.cpp

hello.o: hello.cpp
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) hello.cpp

	rm -rf *o hello

As you can see, variables can be very useful sometimes. To use them, just assign a value to a variable before you start to write your targets. After that, you can just use them with the dereference operator $(VAR). 
Where to go from here With this brief introduction to Makefiles, you can create some very sophisticated mechanism for compiling your projects. However, this is just a tip of the iceberg. I don’t expect anyone to fully understand the example presented below without having consulted some 
Make documentation (which I had to do myself) or read pages 347 to 354 of your Unix book.

CFLAGS=-c -Wall
SOURCES=main.cpp hello.cpp factorial.cpp

	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o $@

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

If you understand this last example, you could adapt it to your own personal projects changing only 2 lines, no matter how many additional files you have !!!.

Hector Urtubia

Add a new page in latex

When we use Latex, we sometimes need to start a new page to continue writing. Instead of using \ newPage, you’d better implement this using \ ClearPage.
\newpage: The \newpage command ends The current page.
\clearpage: The \clearpage command ends the current page and causes all figures and tables that have so far appeared in the input to be printed.
In plain English, when you add a large number of new pages, the two are basically the same. When you add a small number of new pages, \ NewPage won’t achieve the effect you want, but \ ClearPage will.
Here’s an example:
first side
sorry, first side

first side
haha, second side

There was a problem sending the command to the program in Excel 2010

Environment: MicroSoft Excel 2010
Sending the Command to the program was a problem.

As shown in figure:

Solution: open Excel– & GT; File — — — — — — — — & gt; Options — — — — — — — — & gt; Senior — — — — — — — — & gt; Drop this check (ignoring other applications that use dynamic database exchange (DDE)) -& GT; To solve.
As shown in figure:


Windows FTP Error 425: Unable to build data connection


Having problems transferring files with FTP?If you are using the command line FTP client within Windows and getting errors like these…

500 Illegal PORT command 425 Unable to build data connection: Connection refused

Well, don’t worry – you’re in good company.
This is probably one of the most commonly encountered problems by Windows users with the command line FTP client, primarily when connecting to servers that use non-default ports.
This article explains why … and what you can do about it.
Illegal Port Command – Why FTP may be running on a non-standard port
Every day, countless attempts are made to get access to servers via FTP by guessing account names and passwords.
As a result, many companies who provide FTP access to their customers have configured their servers to run FTP on a non-standard port (i.e. anything other than the default port 21).
Normally this should not be a problem, as you can tell your FTP client which port to connect to on the server and to use passive mode. If you don’t know what passive mode is all about, take a look at the article on Active FTP vs. Passive FTP.
Why Windows FTP Can’t Build A Data Connection
If you use the standard FTP client (the command line one) that comes bundled with Microsoft Windows, then you will find that even if you specify a different port number, you cannot enable passive mode.
Note also that you can’t specify the port number on the command line itself as a server.name:port pair (unlike pretty much every other command line FTP client on the planet).
Instead, you can only attempt this from within the client interactively. For example, here’s a session from an attempt to connect to one of our FTP servers which is running on port 7021…

Here we can see our attempt to connect to our server on it’s non-standard port is successful.
However, as soon as we attempt to transfer data, the attempt to open a secondary port for the data flow fails. Microsoft’s own article on the Windows FTP Client Receives Error Message 425 points out that:

“The FTP clients that ship with Windows do not support passive mode. Therefore, they always need to negotiate a data port when issuing a command that returns data.”

As a result, even if you do correctly specify a non-default port number, you still cannot use passive mode.
Sigh… cheers guys.
Note that you may find a lot of articles on the ‘net claiming that Windows FTP client does support passive FTP – often because they’ve seen the PASV entry in the registry or because the client appears to accept the literal pasv command.
It does not work with the Windows command line FTP client!
The server might respond to a PASV command with a message saying it is in passive mode but the Windows command line client has silently ignored it.
How You Can Use Passive FTP Under Windows
Internet Explorer can support passive mode as an FTP client if you enable it in the “Internet Options”, although that’s only useful for retrieving files – you can’t upload via Internet Explorer.
For full bidirectional FTP functionality, the simple answer is to not use the Windows command line FTP client at all.
We recommend that you use something like FileZilla, which provides a clear, friendly and useful interface – and it’s free!. Alternatively, Firefox users can get the FireFTP add-on to integrate bi-directional FTP with their browser.
If security is a concern and if the FTP server supports SSH connections, you may also want to download SFTP, which is part of the PuTTY SSH client distribution. This is also free and FileZilla supports SFTP as an alternative backend.

linux VMware Unable to change virtual machine power state: Internal error

Linux installation of VMWare under a problem, recently due to project needs, we have to Fedora8 system to install a virtual machine, the above run a Windows Server 2003, after a hard time to find a Linux version of VMWare, after installation, every time you start the virtual machine will report.

Unable to change the power state of the virtual machine: internal error.
This is an error.
At first I thought there was a problem with the vmware settings, but I finally found the answer on the Internet:
I encountered this problem when running a Vmware workstation under Ubuntu Jaunty. I get an error when shutting down the machine via an NX session.
It’s the result of a zombie ‘vmware-vmx’ process running. All you need to do is kill the process. This command sends ‘signal 9’ to the process. When sent to the process, SIGKILL causes the process to terminate immediately. Contrary to SIGTERM and SIGINT, this signal cannot be captured or ignored. More info:More sigkill info.
After that, I was able to start the virtual machine without any problems.

About the problem I encountered: 226 transfer done but failed to open directory

encountered this problem in the following cases:

1, selinux is not disable.

setenforce 0 will not work either, mainly because selinux is still running and will protect network ports, whereas the ports of the FTP service are restricted by selinux.

Between the

the best solution is to the configuration file (/ etc/selinux/config), will be enforcing to disabled

2, user permissions, what user did you log in with, and then folder permissions allow this user to see the files in the folder

USES ls or dir to view folder permissions. If you do not have permissions to view this folder, you cannot view its contents.

, just like

Mac ports installation software prompts “warning: xcodebuild exists but failed to execute”

# port search imagemagick

checked on the Internet, tried the following method, success.

The steps which solved for me were:

1.install Xcode 4.3 from Mac App Store

2. Install Command Line Tools for Xcode

3. sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app

4. sudo ln -s `which clang` /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/

Even so, this is clearly a workaround.

my xcode is downloadable DMG, perform dynamic mount every time I start, so the directory is /Volumes/ xcode. app/…

for users from appstore installation goal should be to/Application/Xcode. The app /…

, I only have to do step3 to succeed.