Solution to 800b0001 failure of Windows Update

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Microsoft recently released Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 SP1. Although the Internet Explorer browser has been despair, the weird style, “different” JS, do not know how many front-end staff brought extra working hours. But now that it’s out, I want to install it. As a result, there were problems with the installation. Share solutions.

Let me start with my environment: Windows 7 64 bit flagship SP1. I made important patches before and kept updating by some steward. But when I installed IE 10, I found the following prompts:

Well, as a follow-up, I found Windows Update. Then try to get the update. The result is the following 800B0001 failure:

I searched the Internet for a whole day but didn’t find a complete solution. The solution was found in a foreign article:
Translate the key steps:
1. Re-register DLL:
The start menu opens a command prompt by entering CMD in the search box (or by opening the “Run” tool directly in Win+R). It is best to run the environment as an administrator. Execute the following commands one at a time:
REGSVR32 SOFTPUB.DLL (for XP, Vista and Win7)

REGSVR32 mssip32. DLL (for XP, Vista and Win7)

REGSVR32 WINTRUST. Vista and Win7)

REGSVR32 initpki. DLL (for XP and Vista only)
2. Reinitialize the download folder:
Create a batch file, and the script reads as follows:
net stop wuauserv
net stop CryptSvc
ren %windir%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.old
ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution sold.old
net start CryptSvc
net start wuauserv
It also needs to be run as an administrator.
My system was up and running after the above two steps:

In the meantime, IE10 will be installed smoothly:

If that doesn’t work, try the System Update Ready Tool:
The relevant introduction and download address are:

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