Generating equals/hashCode implementation but without a call to superclass

Warning message

Generating equals/hashCode implementation but without a call to
superclass, even though this class does not extend java.lang.Object.
If this is intentional, add ‘(callSuper=false)’ to your type.

Baidu translation results:

Generate the equals/hashcode implementation, but do not call the superclass, even if the class does not extend Java. Lang. object. If this is intentional, add “(callsuper = false)” to your type.

terms of settlement

Method 1

Add the @ equalsandhashcode (callsuper = true) annotation to the class

After adding, you can include the properties of its parent class when generating the equals/hashcode method

Method 2

Add content to the configuration class, but I haven’t used it, so I only recommend a link. The address is:

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