1. Want to open the QQ space on the main panel, email, twitter, but click several times without any response, did not respond to a browser, the following solution, search on the net, http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/91f5db1bf5c3c61c7f05e3f0.html but directly on the run window type regsvr32
jscript. DLL, click “ok” appear the following error: p>
module ‘jscript’ was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error 0x80004005
the error above reference solve the: http://blog.csdn.net/woyaowenzi/article/details/4464588 p>
Most probably, what you are trying to do is [ regsvr32 actxprxy.dll ].
For doing this, you will need to use a command prompt that is executed as administrator. So, grab your mouse… and
~ Right-click on the command prompt icon
~ Select [ Run as administrator ]
You may be prompted for administrator credential.
Published Fri, Mar 20 2009 22:42 by Martin Poon
Filed under: Internet Explorer p>
3. It says to run this command as Administrator. So don’t just run the window and type regsvr32 jscript.dll. Instead, type CMD, right-click on “Run as administrator” and open the black box command line window. Then type regsvr32
open QQ, then click the space button is ok.
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