Python switch / case statement implementation method

Different from Java, C/C + + and other languages, python does not provide switch/case statements, which makes me feel very strange. We can implement the switch/case statement in the following ways.

Use if elif… elif… Else to realize switch/case

You can use if elif… Elif.. else sequence to replace the switch/case statement, this is the easiest way to think of. However, with the increase of branches and frequent modification, this alternative method is not very good for debugging and maintenance.

Switch/case using dictionary

Switch/case can be realized by dictionary, which is easy to maintain and can reduce the amount of code. The following is the switch/case implementation using dictionary simulation:

def num_to_string(num):
    numbers = {
        0 : "zero",
        1 : "one",
        2 : "two",
        3 : "three"

    return numbers.get(num, None)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print num_to_string(2)
    print num_to_string(5)

The results are as follows:


Python dictionary can also include functions or lambda expressions. The code is as follows:

def success(msg):
    print msg

def debug(msg):
    print msg

def error(msg):
    print msg

def warning(msg):
    print msg

def other(msg):
    print msg

def notify_result(num, msg):
    numbers = {
        0 : success,
        1 : debug,
        2 : warning,
        3 : error

    method = numbers.get(num, other)
    if method:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    notify_result(0, "success")
    notify_result(1, "debug")
    notify_result(2, "warning")
    notify_result(3, "error")
    notify_result(4, "other")

The results are as follows:


Through the above example, it can be proved that the switch/case statement can be fully implemented through Python dictionary, and it is flexible enough. especially at runtime, it is convenient to add or delete a switch/case option in the dictionary.

Switch/case can be implemented by using scheduling method in class

If you are not sure which method to use in a class, you can use a scheduling method to determine it at run time. The code is as follows:

class switch_case(object):

    def case_to_function(self, case):
        fun_name = "case_fun_" + str(case)
        method = getattr(self, fun_name, self.case_fun_other)
        return method

    def case_fun_1(self, msg):
        print msg

    def case_fun_2(self, msg):
        print msg

    def case_fun_other(self, msg):
        print msg

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cls = switch_case()

The results are as follows:



Personally, using dictionary to realize switch/case is the most flexible, but it is also difficult to understand.

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