Idea2021 reports an error. Default operand size is 64 sets the startup task to automatically add the registry

Problem background:

Idea with git will remind you of the following error
arbitrary: use of Rex. W is meaningless (default operand size is 64)
because there is security software, you need to add a key in the registry
Computer \ HKEY_ LOCAL_ Create a new [string value] HookApi under machine \ software \ Tec \ ocular. 3 \ agent \ config_ Dis INS, numerical data: 1
but it’s too troublesome to manually add and restart idea every time. Now it’s changed to automatically add registry configuration after startup

1. Find a directory and create two files, one regidea.bat and one regidea.log

As shown in Figure

2. Modify the bat file and enter the following instructions

(reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TEC\Ocular.3\agent\config /v hookapi_disins && (echo %date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% reg exist... >>%~dp0\regIdea.log )) || ((reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TEC\Ocular.3\agent\config  /t REG_SZ /v hookapi_disins /d 1)&&(echo %date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% reg set suc... >>%~dp0\regIdea.log ))

The main idea is to query whether there is a hook API in the registry_ Dis INS, set and print a line of text set suc… In regidea.log
If yes, print reg exist…
log file just to see if the instruction takes effect

3. Create a shortcut to the bat file and drag it into the following directory

C: \ users \ XXX \ appdata \ roaming \ Microsoft \ windows \ start menu \ programs \ startup
where XXX is the user name
if the directory cannot be found, check the view hidden item of the folder

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