When the mounted map is initialized, BMap is not defined due to asynchronous issues, that is, the map has been initialized before Baidu’s api is fully introduced or loaded.
1. Create a map.js
export function MP(ak) { return new Promise( function (resolve, reject) { window.init = function () { resolve(BMap) } var script = document.createElement('script' ) script.type ='text/javascript' script.src = `http: // api.map.baidu.com/api?v=2.0&ak=${ak}&callback=init` script.onerror = reject document.head.appendChild(script) }) }
2. Reference in the .vue file
import {MP} from'../map.js'
3. Initialize in the mounted function
this .$nextTick(() => { const _this = this MP(_this.ak).then(BMap => { _this.initMap() }) })
Undefined BMap in map.js will report an error
Make a global declaration in eslintrc.js
globals: { BMap: true }
That’s it~~
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