To be solved
Debug — Settings — Symbol Select Microsoft Symbol Server Download to Symbol “Cstart00.exe” : loaded “C:\Windows\System32\ Kernel32.dll”, loaded Symbol (source information removed).
CDsgFormatDataMgrDlg ();
virtual ~ CDsgFormatDataMgrDlg ();
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
The class ISkBusinessEngineSink
virtual void HandleOneCSObject (LPCTSTR lpszName) {}
virtual BOOL HandleUpdateCalendarResult (int nType, PCALENDAREVENT lpce,
DWORD dwClientTmpId, BOOL bRet, DWORD dwErrorCode) {return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL HandleUpdateDesktopResult (int nType, PDESKTOPITEM lpdi,
DWORD dwClientTmpId, BOOL bRet, dwords dwErrorCode) = 0.
virtual void HandleHotBUList(PHOTBU LPHB, int nCount) {}
virtual void OnDBFuncReady(BOOL bReady) = 0;
virtual void OnDBViewReady(BOOL bReady) = 0;
virtual void OnSNReady(BOOL bReady) = 0;
virtual void OnTableReady(BOOL bReady) = 0;
Methods in the abstract base class must fully implement…
The choice of (abstract base classes and interfaces) and the difference between (abstract base class for some of the problems)
(OO concepts and abstract classes and interfaces)
display Property Manager
contains the Debug|Win32 and Release|Win32 options
. You can set the project properties of Debug and Release
. Open any of them
. Double click microsoft.cpp.win32.
is modified here for the tutorial vc Directories. H (11266) : error C2061: syntax error: identifier ‘___, rpc___, out_xcount_part’
use the above method to delete the DirectX SDK Include from the Include path. Supplements: the
Directories that were modified for VC++ Directories in the project property dialog are project specific. The above modified VC++ Directories are large, affecting all project Directories and configuration Directories (Debug/Release/…) .
Goddady’s Linux virtual host is used to provide SSH. However, when using SSH-D port XXX @server, I encountered the following error of SSH printing:
channel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed
When the Firefox browser is configured with SOCKS5 pointing to a local port, browsing any web page appears blank.
What is the reason for this?
SSH, open sSHd_config and have a look.
cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config
There was a row:
AllowTcpForwarding no
The original host set the TCP port forwarding for SSH to be disabled. That wants to use SSH as agent to carry out port forwarding is certainly unsuccessful.
Look at the system configuration again, also prohibit IP forwarding;
cat /etc/sysctl.conf | grep ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
Therefore, the virtual host prompt port forwarding is prohibited, normal.