JVM startup error: Could not Reserve enough space for Object Heap error
First, understand what the parameters mean:
parameter | meaning |
— Xms2G Xmx2G | represents the minimum and maximum JVM heap available memory |
– XX: PermSize -xx :MaxPermSize | represents the JVM’s metadata memory size |
Solve problems:
- eclipse startup error is:
Could not reserve enough space for object heap error
current configuration is:
-xms512m-xmx1024m-xx :PermSize 512M
: many SO answers are recommended to use JAVA_OPTION variable, but one answer is that the 32-bit process of Windows 7 cannot get more than 1200M of memory. This answer is a little reliable, SO I tried it. Download and install the 64BIT JDK and boot it up without error. Appendix:
- was converted to a 64-bit JDK, jrebel was found to fail. After a long search, one of the answers given on the official forums is to back up Jrebel32.dll, and then change the 64-bit Jrebel32.DLL to Jrebel32.dll. JVM out of memroy error report summary:
Java heap space: Increases -XMXpermgen space: Increases -xx :PermSizeRequested Array size: Error means that the size of the array created exceeds the maximum heap size, so the apparent solution is to either increase the size of -XMX or reduce the size of the array to be created.
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