Tag Archives: & View

Module not found:Error:Can’t resolve ‘rc-animate/lib/CSSMotionList’ in ‘……’


After the react project is compiled, sometimes the following error will be reported if you enter cnpm start

Add the following code to the package.json file to specify the version

"resolutions": {
  "css-animation": "1.5.0",
  "rc-animate": "2.8.2"


Add the following configuration in dependencies

"css-animation": "1.5.0",
"rc-animate": "2.8.2",

View – neditor – empty packaging style

Using Vue neditor wrap

When we use a rich text editor in a project, a style of null error may occur


1. Let’s check the version of Vue in package.lock.json file first. The version of Vue neditor wrap must be above vue2, and 1. Several versions cannot use

2. Use NPM instead of yarn when downloading dependencies

Vue reports an error sasserror: expected newline

I used to be less in Vue. Today I tried sass on a whim, and then the error will be reported when running sasserror: expected newline

After studying for a long time, I found that there is a pit here. You can’t write sass in style if you use sass in Vue

It has to be written as SCSS  

  Change it so that you won’t report an error


Error reporting using PM2 management application

The error contents are as follows:

PM2: unable to load file D: \ software \ node \ node_ Global \ pm2.ps1 because running scripts is prohibited on this system. For more information, see about in HTTPS:/go. Mic
Microsoft. COM/fwlink /?LINKID = 135170_ Execution_ Policies。


Run PowerShell as an administrator, execute the set executionpolicy remotesigned command, and then enter y.



JS uses the and or operator, and an error is reported: uncaught rangeerror: maximum call stack size exceeded

The or operator is used when the routing guard of the Vue item is in progress,

router.beforeEach((to,from,next) => {
  let token = store.state.cookie.token
  if(!token && to.name === 'PersonalHome'||'Edit'||'EditBlog'||'EditDraft') {
  } else {

Browser error:

wrap or calculate with ()

if(!token && to.name === ('PersonalHome'||'Edit'||'EditBlog'||'EditDraft')) {
  } else {

Solve the error of clearing data in object.assign in Vue

If you want to clear the data in Vue, the error may be the reason why you haven’t changed the direction of this. You can try to change the direction of this with call, for example

   Object.assign(this.$data,   this.$options.data.call(this))

If you just want to know one of the data, you can use it


The echots in Vue reports an error. After obtaining the DOM element, the chart can be displayed. The console still reports an error

 <div v-if="grade<3" ref="gradeChart" style="height: 220px;width: 300px;margin:0 auto;">

  mounted() {
      this.$nextTick(() => {
					let map1=this.initEchartMap(this.gjfsx);


  The solution is to change V-IF to v-show, and the console will not report an error

 <div v-show="grade<3" ref="gradeChart" style="height: 220px;width: 300px;margin:0 auto;">

Error in require.context in vue3 vite

In the vue2 version, I usually use require. Context to get all the files of a file

require.context('./modules', true, /\.js$/)

Errors will be reported when using vue3 vite

go to the vite official document and find the official provision method as follows


Vue console reports an error duplicate keys detected: ‘XXXX’. This may cause an update error. Solution

Q: the Vue console reports an error duplicate keys detected: ‘XXXX’. This may cause an update error. Solution

Analysis: duplicate key: ‘0’. 0 ‘may cause an update error; This problem usually occurs because there are multiple V-for loops on the same page, and the key of the loop is index. You can define the key as a unique value, such as code or ID. this can be solved
A: the value of the drop-down box must be unique. Check the value of the drop-down box

Introduce vuex error reporting solution

This error is always reported when using vuex: error in created hook: “typeerror: cannot read property ‘commit’ of undefined”

It was found that the global store was not introduced in main.js

import store from ‘store/store.js’

const app = new Vue({ …App, store })

Record it here and remind yourself to remember