Tag Archives: Tools and environment

Docker mysql8 modify password

Docker mysql8 modify password

Set skip password login

docker exec -it mysql /bin/sh
# Note: The configuration file for editing is docker.cnf
vi /etc/mysql/conf.d/docker.cnf

Restart MySQL container

docker restart mysql

Restart MySQL container

The old version of the command is invalid:
update user set password = password (‘a123456 ‘), where user =’root'</ s>

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string='' WHERE user='root' and host='localhost';
-- Change the password for use without expiration
flush privileges;

Error handling

ERROR 2059 (HY000): Authentication plugin ‘caching_ sha2_ password’ cannot be loaded: /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/caching_ sha2_ password.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Maybe the password is not set and will never expire. Maybe the database client version under Linux is too low. I tried to connect to mysql8 of docker in server B on server a, but the connection was successful by using DataGrid in windows.

Creating users and authorizations

create user  'nacos'@'%' identified by '123';
grant all on mid_nacos.* to 'nacos'@'localhost' ;
flush privileges;

Here, all the permissions of the table are granted, and all the items that can be authorized are explained and referenced https://www.cnblogs.com/yinzhengjie/p/10263692.html

Solve the error of operation create user failed for ‘user’ @ ‘%

It may be that the user already exists, you can delete and recreate it to
check whether the user exists: select user from user
delete: drop user 'user' @ '%

Solving com.mysql.cj.exceptions.unabletoconnectexception: public key retrieval is not allowed

Add & amp; after the connection information; allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true

Eclipse gets stuck saving copy and paste

When editing long code in eclipse, eclipse often gets stuck for a long time when using Ctrl.  
the guess is that you can click and jump to the variable definition after holding down Ctrl in eclipse, so when you press Ctrl, eclipse will generate this mapping. When the file is large, this behavior will take a lot of time. You can set shortcut keys by the following methods.  

Eclipse — Windows-> Preferences-> General-> Editors-> Text Editors-> Hyperlinking:  
Remove this option: enable on demand hyperlinks style navigation  

CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: cannot locate symbol

This problem occurs in termux. You can’t locate the link library, that is, you can’t find the dependent library file. You just need to put the corresponding library in the environment variable.

If his error message contains   Referenced by/system/lib64 /, then add the corresponding location to the environment variable and execute the following command

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/system/lib64/


Termux installing redis

When I compile and install redis under termux, there are such errors as use of undeclared identifier.. my CC compiler and its dependent components are the latest version, but there are still problems. The reason is unknown. It indicates that the method is not declared at compile time. It is estimated that the CPU is weak and the compile execution order is related. It is just a guess.

Use the following solution directly:

apt install redis

That’s it. The bin executor is placed in usr/bin by default, and the configuration file is in usr/etc.

Solutions to the failure of installing jupyters in termux

When installing jupyter in termux, the network was cut off in the middle of the installation, which led to a day’s struggle. Finally, the installation was completed, and the problem was a. C   . H file is not available

Main reason: the dependency is not fully installed

Later, after some problems were solved, the installation of pyzmq (zeromq) got stuck, and the card owner did not move. Neither PIP install pyzmq nor PIP install jupyter alone could work

Follow these steps:

———————Check basic operations and commands:

pkg update

PKG install VIM curl WGet git unzip Unrar

———————Install dependency packages (5)

apt install python-dev clang fftw

apt-get install   libzmq

apt-get install   libzmq-dev

———————Install jupyter again

pip install –force-reinstall –no-cache-dir jupyter       // Force download and install again

Using termux for Linux unfamiliar students can come to git this, a script written by high school students, fool type installation termux common tools



Other solutions reference:

Baidu reference here   http://www.drehere.com/?s=termux%20jupyter%20zmq

To re install termux: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5537783650

Manual installation of zeromq (download source code analysis): there are a lot of online tutorials, just choose one: https://blog.csdn.net/n_ sev7/article/details/77320250

Other related issues: installing sketch, lxml, etc
