GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server solution

GConf Error:Unable to reach configuration server workaround

GConf Error:Unable to contact configuration server; some possible reasons are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or have an old NFS lock due to a system crash. For information, see http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/. (Details- 1:IOR file ‘/tmp/gconfd-chris/lock/ IOR ‘Not open, no such file or directory found 2:IOR file ‘/tmp/gconfd-chris/lock/ IOR ‘Not open, no such file or directory found’)
GConf Error: contact configuration server failed; some possible reasons are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or have old NFS locks due to a system crash. For information, see http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/. (Details- 1:IOR file ‘/tmp/gconfd-chris/lock/ IOR ‘not open, no such file or directory found; 2:IOR file ‘/tmp/gconfd-chris/lock/ IOR not open, no such file or directory found)
Some on the Internet say it was because of the execution of this order.
#chmod -R 0777 /tmp
Not on my machine, it’s a result of manually upgrading glibc2.7 according to the default path.

# rm – r *user*
Then delete the .gnome2 and .gnome folders from the user’s home directory.

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