Failure [DELETE_ FAILED_ INTERNAL_ After [error], RM APK is unloaded

Use ADB install today com.xx.xx Uninstall a software

Result error: failure [delete]_ FAILED_ INTERNAL_ Error]
in the end, there is no way to install a kingroot and unload it through kingroot…

Now we know:
first of all: ADB shell PM list packages – s finds the package name to be deleted
the address to get the package name: ADB shell PM path com.xx.xx
Mount system read / write permission: ADB remount
delete package: ADB shell RM / system / APP / olddriver/ OldDriver.apk
Finally, the ADB reboot is OK


Delete all data related to package, clear data and cache: ADB shell PM clear & lt; package & gt;

Output the APK path of the installation package: ADB shell PM path & lt; package & gt;


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