Tag Archives: server

WordPress appears Too many failed login attempts error solution

Use idle resources to earn pocket money (suitable for school students and housewives)
1. Log in to the database
mysql -uroot -p
Enter the password
2. Select your database instance (e.g., my instance name is Blog)
use blog;
3. Execute the following command (the table name depends on what the prefix is and find the table with the _options suffix).
Update TB_options Set option_value= ‘where option_name=’ WAS_LIMIT_login_lockouts’;

use the idle resources of computer to earn pocket money (suitable for students and housewives)
online generating external chain tools (international version)
online generating external chain tools (Chinese version)

To the brothers who encountered simple bind failed 192.168.1.×××: 636

Last time I wrote an article about changing passwords for LDAP users (mainly referring to the other two articles), I noticed a strange phenomenon. The AD server I developed and used is three in one with my own WEB server and certificate server. The password can be successfully changed as described above. The program was packaged into a WAR package and tested on the servers on the 6th floor, 15th floor and 16th floor. They both used a single AD, WEB server and certificate server in one. Both the 6th and 15th floors could normally change the user password of the CONNECTED AD, but the 16th floor did not work. The IP:636 error of simple Bind failed AD was reported all the time, which depressed me very much. Had to search on the net, in the middle because of other task intermittent for a period of time, looked for a few weeks on and off, there is no enable SSL, there is said to be “do not support SSL”, there is said to be your simple binding error (this is nonsense), is not a definite answer. Join several communication groups of LDAP, waffled for a long time, also no solution. During this period, the AD configured by the WEB application on the 15th floor was replaced by another one, but this error also occurred. I found another machine to configure again, but the same error occurred. Xj installed WIN2003 machine, let me test, the same mistake, original WEB applications can be installed on your machine normal change passwords, then even sometimes can’t change, can change sometimes, fifteenth floor originally that one cannot change the password, suddenly can change the password again yesterday afternoon, I asked others, making sure that no one is changed AD or WEB set, same application, the same configuration, perform the same function, can downs about it, that day is my most depressing day. This morning on a sudden impulse, the certificate again guided, the result changed the password successfully. Steps (omit the installation of the certificate service, see the previous section) : 1. Select “Start -& GT; “Run”, enter MMC, enter the console, select “Add Certificate Management Unit” menu item, as before, select “Personal -& GT; After “Certificates”, select the certificate you previously created in the Certificate Services section, and then “All Tasks -& GT; Export “, re-export to a new CER file, and then “start-run-& gt; CMD “into the console, use the CD command to switch to the WEB application under JDK bin directory, enter the command:” the keytool – import – keystore certificate. The keystore file – cer file path “, and to import a new certificate, when we enter the JDK bin directory to be able to see your new name the name extension keystore file, and then set the change password when the certificate path of change to just generate the certificate file path. After restarting the server, test the password change function again, and you’re done. Then I followed suit and did the same on the 14 machine, and the 14 machine was able to change the password successfully. Is too great. I don’t know if this is the exact solution to the simple Bind failure (or did it just happen to cause me to change a setting on my system?). But if any of your brothers have the same problem, try reimporting the certificate and you might be able to fix the problem.

soap security negotiation failed

1. Software background: The server runs the service, and the client program cannot access the service. The service can be called normally using WCFTestClient.

2. Exception message: SOAP security negotiation with ‘HTTP… ‘ for target ‘http… ‘ failed.
3. Solutions:
A. Find the following information in the client configuration file:

          <userPrincipalName value="XXX" />

B. Delete this section.
4. Q&a: this configuration item USES NTLM for authentication. No changes are made when debugging locally. When the server is deployed, you need to consider.

ssh port forwarding

Haihan Zhou July 2, 2010

Goddady’s Linux virtual host is used to provide SSH. However, when using SSH-D port XXX @server, I encountered the following error of SSH printing:

channel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed

When the Firefox browser is configured with SOCKS5 pointing to a local port, browsing any web page appears blank.
What is the reason for this?
SSH, open sSHd_config and have a look.

cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config

There was a row:

AllowTcpForwarding no

The original host set the TCP port forwarding for SSH to be disabled. That wants to use SSH as agent to carry out port forwarding is certainly unsuccessful.
Look at the system configuration again, also prohibit IP forwarding;

cat /etc/sysctl.conf | grep ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0

Therefore, the virtual host prompt port forwarding is prohibited, normal.

Login failed in rabbitmq

First, use the following command to see why the log is logged:

 tail /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit\@wzb1.log

Note: The default user guest only allows localhost login.
To create a remote login user, the guest user can only run under localhost:

rabbitmqctl add_user admin admin
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p/admin ".*" ".*" ".*"


IOS development NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed solution

Recently, I have been busy for the launch of the new storage app. I have been busy for nearly a month. After a period of 996, I can finally take a breath today and continue to update my blog. This paper records the problems and solutions encountered when sending a HTTPS request in iOS 9. It is hoped that through this paper, we can have a deeper understanding of the configuration of ATS.
Problem description
When developing app, I encountered the problem of sending HTTPS request in iOS 9 :

NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9801)

As we know, after , iOS 9, all network requests use HTTPS by default. If you send HTTP request, the following error will be reported. But we can allow HTTP request by setting the value of nsapptransportsecuritynsallowsarbitraryloads to be YES :

App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file.


This solves the HTTP request problem, but when I send a HTTPS request, the HTTP laod failed problem still occurs. Although the above method can also be used to solve this problem, it is not the fundamental solution.
The solution
Through the analysis, doubt is TLS problem, because the 9 default need TLS1.2 iOS version to encrypt data, if the server does not support the TLS1.2 , the URLSession: task: didCompleteWithError: returns the nil error , However, the back-end development colleagues said that the server supports TLS1.0, TLS1.1 and TLS1.2, it seems that this is not the problem of TLS. Therefore, I was not assured. I used nscurl to test the test server. As expected, TLS1.2 was not supported.

# 加 --verbose 是为了显示详细的调试信息 /usr/bin/nscurl --ats-diagnostics --verbose https://testresource.chaoaicai.com

It can be seen from the output that the server only supports TLS1.0. Therefore, the colleagues in the background development were asked to test and modify, and then tested again. It was found that the server supports TLS1.2, and the network request of HTTPS is normal.

ATS exception configuration
In fact, for the server does not support TLS1.2, but the client to send HTTPS request there is another solution, is to configure ATS, set the lowest TLS version, as shown in infos.plist :

<key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key>   <dict>   <key>NSExceptionDomains</key>   <dict>     <!--你的https域名-->     <key>testresource.chaoaicai.com</key>     <dict>       <!--允许子域-->       <key>NSIncludesSubdomains</key>       <true/>       <!--TLS允许的最低版本号-->       <key>NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion</key>       <string>TLSv1.0</string>     </dict>   </dict> </dict>

Where, the specific Settings of NSExceptionDomains are described below, where ATS can be understood in more detail
NSIncludesSubdomains: is applied to the domain name, the default is NONSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads: whether to allow HTTP requests, YES (allow), the default is NONSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion: TLS version of the lowest NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy: whether to pre encryption, NO (encryption is allowed, but does not support PFS: Perfect forward secrecy), default is YESNSRequiresCertificateTransparency: the need for effective signing certificate, YES (need), the default is NO

This paper just briefly introduces how to configure ATS, and solves the problem that HTTPS cannot be accessed because the server does not support TLS1.2. It is necessary to understand the specific workflow of HTTPS and TLS, please refer to relevant materials.
The resources
# # iOS issue record about NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, - 9801)
IOS 9 comes with a series of tutorials
IOS 9.0
Clean up the pits in iOS9 adaptation (graphic)
Cocoa Keys
NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9802) on a subdomain?

Solution to the grub PC package failed to install into / target / when installing Ubuntu server

The grub-pc package failed to install into /target/ this is a problem I encountered in The process of installing Ubuntu server 14.10, solution: disconnect The network at The appropriate time (I was configuring APT) during The installation process, or directly install without network. this scheme has been tried by the author and confirmed to be feasible.


Error: transport error 202: bind failed: address already in use

temporarily copies a project, cp -r

modify the server.xml port number.

start or error

ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [debugInit.c:750]
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197)

netstat looked at the server configuration port number is not occupied.

look at the startup script, there is the specified remote port number address=XXX;

modify the remote port number, then boot is good.

How to solve SVN authorization failed error

how to solve SVN Authorization failed error

to recommend a cat smoking site: love cats (http://15cat.com), I hope you like

anon-access = read
authth-access = write
password-db = passwd
authz-db = authz

2, passwd:

3, authz:
admin = rw

appears authorization failed exception, usually in the authz file or svnserv.conf, the user group or user authorization is not well configured, as long as the setting [/] can represent all the resources in the root directory, if you want to limit the resources, you can add the subdirectory.

Alicloud centos8 reports an error “error: failed to synchronize cache for repo ‘EPEL modular'”

ali cloud has been online centos8 system, the 8 series is relatively new, ali cloud bug is still there, use yum unexpectedly can not, the system default did not install git, want to install yum install git directly Error “Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo ‘epel-modular'”, extend source Error, baidu has no solution, it can only solve by itself!

the solution is simple:

scheme 1: directly delete /etc/yum.repos. D (first backup)

directory epel beginning file

would be yum.

scheme 2:

yum succeeded but the prompt program does not exist and cannot install

do not delete /etc/yum.repos. D inside the file


vi /etc/resolv.conf




and then execute yum successfully

ali cloud recently launched centos8 cant yum, DNS cant resolve the extended library domain name. Hey, their family is a little careless about their operation and maintenance

Server Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost failed to start.

error message:
Server Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost failed to start.

this situation appears, generally there are two situations.

The first type:
port is occupied or the service is forcibly closed at startup.
service startup is forcibly shut down: clean the tomcat cache: right click tomcat-> Clear

after clearing the cache, close the editor eclipse
and then go to the directory D:\tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.0.17\bin to close tomcat

so that is solved.
if the port is occupied, you need to modify the tomcat port, or go to the service to see who is occupying the port.

must be modified or closed. The second kind:
startup project is maven project and maven local repository is broken, not fully downloaded, jar package is missing, the code is not recognized at compile time, also will report this error.
the most simple and rude method at this time is to close the compiler eclipse to avoid other projects accidentally, and then go to the maven local repository storage location
D:\Program Files\Apache\maven\maven-repository delete all the jar package Files in this directory:

then execute the MVN help:system command under CMD, mavens warehouse will download the Files again.

download successful: