Tag Archives: programing language

ERROR: Failed building wheel for osgeo [How to Solve]

ERROR: Failed building wheel for osgeo

Problem: When Installing pip3 install osgeo report an error: ERROR: Failed building wheel for osgeo


Method 1

conda install gdal

Method 2:

1. According to the python version, download the corresponding GDAL installation file

for example: Python 3.8 download GDAL‑3.4.3‑cp38‑cp38‑win_amd64.whl

Cp38 stands for python3.8 version and windows64 bit

2. install:

pip3 install gdal-3.4.3-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl


pytorch model.load_state_dict Error [How to Solve]

When pytorch loads the model, if some judgment is used in the model, the judgment is used as the selection execution condition, but it is also saved in the model. However, when calling, the network in the judgment condition is not selected and load_state_Dict is used will report an error. Some operators cannot find the name. For example:

if backbone == "mobilenet":
    self.backbone = mobilenet()
    flat_shape = 1024
    elif backbone == "inception_resnetv1":
    self.backbone = inception_resnet()
    raise ValueError('Unsupported backbone - `{}`, Use mobilenet, inception_resnetv1.'.format(backbone))
    self.avg = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1,1))
    self.Bottleneck = nn.Linear(flat_shape, embedding_size,bias=False)
    self.last_bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(embedding_size, eps=0.001, momentum=0.1, affine=True)
    if mode == "train": # Judgment condition, test without loading full connection
        self.classifier = nn.Linear(embedding_size, num_classes)

The strict = false option can be added to avoid operators not called in the network:

model2.load_state_dict(state_dict2, strict=False)

[Solved] ValueError: row index was 65536, not allowed by .xls format

1. Cause analysis

Xlrd and xlwt are functions used to process XLS files in Python. The maximum number of rows in a single sheet is 65535. Therefore, this error occurs when the amount of read and write data exceeds: valueerror: row index was 65536, not allowed by xls format


1. Method 1

The xlwt library is still used for processing, but it limits the maximum number of 5W rows of data in each sheet

# Note: What needs to be written is the two-dimensional list target_data
# Write data into excel table
workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet1 = workbook.add_sheet("Sheet1")
sheet2 = workbook.add_sheet("Sheet2")
sheet3 = workbook.add_sheet("Sheet3")
al = xlwt.Alignment()
al.horz = 0x02 # Set horizontal center
# Create a style object, initialize the style
style = xlwt.XFStyle()
style.alignment = al # set horizontal center

print(len(target_data)) # Look at the length of target_data data, by checking that there are actually 14W rows, so we split into 3 sheets

for i in range(0,50000):
    for j in range(0,len(target_data[i])):
     sheet1.write(i, j, target_data[i][j], style)

for i in range(50000,100000):
    for j in range(0,len(target_data[i])):
     sheet2.write(i-50000, j, target_data[i][j], style)

for i in range(100000,len(target_data)):
    for j in range(0,len(target_data[i])):
     sheet3.write(i-100000, j, target_data[i][j], style)

# Set the width of each column

workbook.save("target_data1220.xls") # 保存到target_data.xls

2. Method 2

Using openpyxl library, the maximum number of rows that can be processed reaches 1048576

# Description: need to write is a two-dimensional list target_data
# Write data to excel table
workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() 
sheet0 = workbook.create_sheet(index=0) # create sheet0
sheet0.column_dimensions['A'].width=15 # set the width of column A
sheet0.column_dimensions['B'].width=22 # Set the width of column B
sheet0.column_dimensions['C'].width=15 # Set the width of column C
sheet0.column_dimensions['D'].width=15 # Set the width of column D
# Write data in a loop, centered and aligned
for i in range(len(target_data)):
    for j in range(len(target_data[i])):
        sheet0.cell(i+1,j+1).value = target_data[i][j] # write data
        sheet0.cell(i+1,j+1).alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center') # center alignment
workbook.save('test.xlsx') # Save the file

Error in `./a.out‘: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0000000001da8010

Error in `./a.out’: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0000000001da8010

*** Error in `./a.out': free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0000000001da8010 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
00400000-00401000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 1155                               /home/csgec/C++/a.out
00600000-00601000 r--p 00000000 08:01 1155                               /home/csgec/C++/a.out
00601000-00602000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 1155                               /home/csgec/C++/a.out
01da8000-01dc9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  [heap]
7f215c000000-7f215c021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f215c021000-7f2160000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f216370e000-7f2163724000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 923094                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
7f2163724000-7f2163923000 ---p 00016000 08:01 923094                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
7f2163923000-7f2163924000 rw-p 00015000 08:01 923094                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
7f2163924000-7f2163ae4000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 953576                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so
7f2163ae4000-7f2163ce4000 ---p 001c0000 08:01 953576                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so
7f2163ce4000-7f2163ce8000 r--p 001c0000 08:01 953576                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so
7f2163ce8000-7f2163cea000 rw-p 001c4000 08:01 953576                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so
7f2163cea000-7f2163cee000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f2163cee000-7f2163d14000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 953568                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.23.so
7f2163ef7000-7f2163efa000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f2163f12000-7f2163f13000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f2163f13000-7f2163f14000 r--p 00025000 08:01 953568                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.23.so
7f2163f14000-7f2163f15000 rw-p 00026000 08:01 953568                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.23.so
7f2163f15000-7f2163f16000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7ffcd77e9000-7ffcd780a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
7ffcd798b000-7ffcd798e000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0                          [vvar]
7ffcd798e000-7ffcd7990000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
fish: Job 2, “./a.out” terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)


unsigned int *a = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * 2 * n);

Malloc dynamically allocates memory. N must have confirmed the value
① you can add int n = 5 before applying for space

int n = 5;
    unsigned int *a = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * 2 * n);

⑤ You can also allocate space after user input, so that the value of n is known
unknown dynamic space cannot be allocated before user input.

 scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);
   // getchar();
    unsigned int *a = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * 2 * n);

After correction, the error report can disappear.

LGWR waits for event ‘DLM cross inst call completion’ [How to Solve]

Click “blue word” above

Pay attention to us and enjoy more dry goods!

The customer has a set of Oracle 19C DataGuard database environment. The standby side always has large gap at intervals. At the same time, LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event ‘DLM cross Inst call completion’ for n secs. The standby side does not provide external queries. At the same time, multi instance log applications are disabled, and the operating system resources are idle, The number of LMS processes is normal. If other nodes are shut down, leaving only the apply log does not exist. DLM is a distributed lock manager, which belongs to the core mechanism of Rac architecture. It realizes multi node resource sharing scheduling and transmits requests through the interconnect network. Here is a brief record of this case:

db alert log

PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_3_seq_13586.1479.1077669291
PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_2_seq_14361.1072.1077669019
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 1 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 2 secs.
 rfs (PID:113884): Selected LNO:26 for T-2.S-14456 dbid 3902007743 branch 1037635587
 rfs (PID:114704): Error ORA-235 occurred during an un-locked control file
 rfs (PID:114704): transaction.  This error can be ignored.  The control
 rfs (PID:114704): file transaction will be retried.
ARC2 (PID:106404): Archived Log entry 9591 added for T-2.S-14455 ID 0xe894b1bf LAD:1
 rfs (PID:113882): Selected LNO:31 for T-3.S-13731 dbid 3902007743 branch 1037635587
 rfs (PID:113880): Selected LNO:22 for T-1.S-13006 dbid 3902007743 branch 1037635587
ARC3 (PID:106408): Archived Log entry 9592 added for T-1.S-13005 ID 0xe894b1bf LAD:1
ARC2 (PID:106404): Archived Log entry 9593 added for T-3.S-13730 ID 0xe894b1bf LAD:1
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) is hung in an acceptable location (inwait 0x1.ffff).
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 2 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 1 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 2 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_2_seq_14362.1867.1077670807
PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_3_seq_13587.691.1077670845
PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_1_seq_12934.1156.1077670917
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 2 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 1 secs.

LGWR trace

*** 2021-07-12T20:33:43.793041+08:00 ((4))
Received ORADEBUG command (#235) 'dump KSTDUMPCURPROC 1' from process '105470'
Trace Bucket Dump Begin: default bucket for process 47 (osid: 105521, LGWR)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1957:kjci_complete():4466:40278: freeing request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823031) with opcode=146 and completion status [DONE]
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1089:kjci_initreq():4466:40278: request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823032) with group (type|id)=(1|1), opcode=146, flags=0x0, msglen=56, where=[kqlmClusterMessage] to target instances=
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1091:kjci_initreq():4466:40278:    1 2
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1618:kjci_processcrq():4466:40278: processing reply 0x2cff2d4e8 for request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823032) with opcode=146 from callee (inst|pid|psn)=(1|36|1)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1618:kjci_processcrq():4466:40278: processing reply 0x2cff2d718 for request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823032) with opcode=146 from callee (inst|pid|psn)=(2|36|1)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1957:kjci_complete():4466:40278: freeing request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823032) with opcode=146 and completion status [DONE]
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1089:kjci_initreq():4466:40278: request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823033) with group (type|id)=(1|1), opcode=146, flags=0x0, msglen=56, where=[kqlmClusterMessage] to target instances=
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1091:kjci_initreq():4466:40278:    1 2
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1618:kjci_processcrq():4466:40278: processing reply 0x2cff2d4e8 for request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823033) with opcode=146 from callee (inst|pid|psn)=(1|36|1)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1618:kjci_processcrq():4466:40278: processing reply 0x2cff2d718 for request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823033) with opcode=146 from callee (inst|pid|psn)=(2|36|1)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1957:kjci_complete():4466:40278: freeing request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823033) with opcode=146 and completion status [DONE]
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1089:kjci_initreq():4466:40278: request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823034) with group (type|id)=(1|1), opcode=146, flags=0x0, msglen=56, where=[kqlmClusterMessage] to target instances=
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1091:kjci_initreq():4466:40278:    1 2

**KJCJ ** ==> ( kjci)_ processcrq – kernel lock management communication cross instance call

For cross node communication, there is no known bug in MOS. First analyze the network problem. You can also do SSD from the process blocker or view the hangmgr trace. The AHF framework in Oracle 19C CRS comes with OSW.

OSW netstat data

zzz ***Tue Jul 13 00:59:51 CST 2021
IpInReceives                    1456201695         0.0
IpInHdrErrors                   0                  0.0
IpInAddrErrors                  0                  0.0
IpForwDatagrams                 0                  0.0
IpInUnknownProtos               0                  0.0
IpInDiscards                    0                  0.0
IpInDelivers                    1085210966         0.0
IpOutRequests                   1007206469         0.0
IpOutDiscards                   5280               0.0
IpOutNoRoutes                   8                  0.0
IpReasmTimeout                  6333500            0.0
IpReasmReqds                    408470736          0.0
IpReasmOKs                      37504539           0.0
IpReasmFails                    8651478            0.0
IpFragOKs                       29029579           0.0

currently, there are high IP reorganization failure packets, which is a cumulative value. You can view the daily changes below.

View the failure of daily IP reorganization

 awk '/zzz/{d=$3"/"$4" "$5}/IpReasmFails/{curr=$2;diff=curr-prev;if(diff>5)print d,diff,prev,curr;prev=curr}' *.dat
Jul/13 00:00:16 8620039  8620039
Jul/13 00:00:46 185 8620039 8620224
Jul/13 00:01:16 242 8620224 8620466
Jul/13 00:01:46 324 8620466 8620790
Jul/13 00:02:16 279 8620790 8621069
Jul/13 00:02:46 325 8621069 8621394
Jul/13 00:03:16 325 8621394 8621719
Jul/13 00:03:46 247 8621719 8621966
Jul/13 00:04:16 246 8621966 8622212
Jul/13 00:04:46 210 8622212 8622422
Jul/13 00:05:16 327 8622422 8622749
Jul/13 00:05:46 247 8622749 8622996
Jul/13 00:06:16 238 8622996 8623234
Jul/13 00:06:46 219 8623234 8623453
Jul/13 00:07:16 262 8623453 8623715
Jul/13 00:07:46 254 8623715 8623969
Jul/13 00:08:16 179 8623969 8624148
Jul/13 00:08:46 294 8624148 8624442

it can be seen that there are high IP reorganization failures at ordinary times. Let’s try to use Ping to verify the network

Using Ping authentication

— on node1

ping -s 4000 {node2-privateIP}

Forget to keep the historical output here. It is found that there is 12% package loss, indicating that the current and heartbeat networks are not healthy. However, the bond made of two network cards is used. At present, it is in active backup active and standby mode. You can try to switch another network card.

Network card switching

cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0


Check that the current primary card is ens9f0 and switch to the standby card ens9f1

ifenslave -c bond0 ens9f1

After switching between active and standby network cards: Ping is normal, IP reorganization failure disappears, DLM cross Inst call completion does not appear, DG synchronization is normal, and the problem is solved.

Error in loading latex project compilation [How to Solve]

The following error occurs when overleaf loads the latex template online.
This compile didn’t produce a PDF. This can happen if:
There is an unrecoverable LaTeX error. If there are LaTeX errors shown below or in the raw logs, please try to fix them and compile again.The document environment contains no content. If it’s empty, please add some content and compile again.This project contains a file called output.pdf. If that file exists, please rename it and compile again.

Select “menu” – “Compiler” – “XeLatex”.

Compiled again, successfully.

Go compiles the EXE executable to remove the CMD window at run time

         Recently, I started to contact go language again and wrote an EXE executable program. However, such a console window will appear every time I execute it, and there is no content yet. It’s not elegant, of course.

We can solve this problem by setting compilation parameters in go build

go build -ldflags "-s -w -H=windowsgui"

-s Omit the symbol table and debug information
-w Omit the DWARF symbol table Omit the DWARF symbol table
-H windowsgui does not print messages to the console (On Windows, -H windowsgui writes a "GUI binary" instead of a "console binary."), so there is no cmd window

In this way, the EXE program generated by go compilation can run in the background.

Error: the solution of “241” and “343” in program

When encountering the error: strain ‘,’241’,’343 ‘in program

An error is a compilation error in C/C + +.

The error refers to the source program has illegal characters, illegal characters need to be removed. Generally, the coder uses Chinese input method or directly copies and pastes the code from other places. Chinese space, Chinese quotation marks and various Chinese punctuation marks appear in the code.

open the error file in Notepad and save it in ANSI format. You can see that some unrecognized characters become garbled.

1. Delete the space in the wrong line and the space before and after it, and try again
2. Change the color that is obviously different from other punctuation marks( Most compilers have color recognition)
3. If the code is relatively short, it is recommended to re type it all

Resolution of problems with rviz global status displayed as error

Resolution of problems with rviz global status displayed as error

Run the program rosrun rviz rviz – D in the official tutorial of ROS

rospack find turtle_ tf/rviz/turtle_ rviz.rviz

No coordinates are displayed for the results found

Later, I run rosrun rviz when I write TF transformation, and find that the status of TF is warning when add joins TF

In fact, first of all, change the map on the left side of the fixed frame under global options in the upper left corner to world, and then the global status will become OK.

Then select add in the lower left corner to add a TF display. So you can see that there are three coordinates in the middle three-dimensional diagram. Two of them are the coordinates of the two turtles, and the one in the middle is the world coordinates. Next, move the tortoise, and the two coordinates will follow.

Understand the nature of the displays on the left in rviz. In fact, those things are the same as a model. When a tortoise is represented by a coordinate system, the coordinate system will change accordingly. How do you know about this change?In frame, it will receive the corresponding message and then make corresponding actions according to the message.

The exact reason is still unknown