Spring cloud remote connect Nacos error [How to Solve]

Problem description

Spring cloud Alibaba micro service architecture is used, and Nacos is used in the service discovery and configuration center

At the beginning, Nacos was started locally, and everything was normal,

After Nacos is migrated to the cloud, change the Nacos address in the configuration file

The gateway service reports an error java.net.connectexception: no available server, because it is always connected to localhost:8848 .

The console outputs the following screenshot:

Cause location

Because the parent POM dependency is imported:

spring-cloud-starter-Alibaba-Nacos-config and spring-cloud-starter-Alibaba-Nacos-discovery

In local development, items such as testing, registration and discovery are configured in application.yml, the central configuration file bootstrap.properties is not created

Springboot automation configuration defaults to localhost:8848 , so there is no problem with the local environment.


Remove useless dependencies (if nacos-config is not used, remove spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config dependencies)

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