QT encountered in CentOS installation( qt.qpa.plugin : Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” )

I don’t believe it. How hard is it to install Qt on Linux?I reinstalled the system several times and got drunk. Here are the problems I encountered:
After installation, execute the QTCreator prompt:
Linux qt “qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” ”

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/gcc_64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

The last two sentences are from the link library path added to the search path, do not know whether to work.
Emphasized in fact the first sentence here, and after the configuration items, QtCreator will output a lot of information, so we can be targeted, step by step to solve the problem/
the changes to take effect

sudo source  ~/.bashrc

Execute the QtCreator program again from the command line, and output a bunch of log information. Skip to the end to find a prompt:
always load the library/opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/platforms/libqxcb. So: (libxkbcommon – x11. So. 0: unable to open the Shared object file: Don’t have that file or directory)
QLibraryPrivate: : loadPlugin failed on “/ opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/platforms/libqxcb. So” : “Always load the library/opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/platforms/libqxcb. So: (libxkbcommon – x11. So. 0: unable to open the Shared object file: no files or directories)”

obviously failure load of dynamic link library, first check whether there is the file exists, then look at whether the dependent libraries are able to find success:

ldd  /opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/platforms/libqxcb.so

Libxkbcommon is not available, you need to install the library, use yum to install:

yum -y install libxkbcommon-x11-devel

Round 3 lacks DBUS
If you continue, there is still an error. If you skip to the last line, there is still an error
/ opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/QtCreator: relocation error:/opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/platforms /.. /.. /lib/ libqt5dbus.so.5: Symbol dbus_message_set_allow_interactive_authorization, version LIBDBUS_1_3 not defined in file libbus-1.so.3 with link time reference

yum -y install dbus-devel

Continue with the following error
Opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/QtCreator: symbol lookup error:/opt/Qt5.13.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/platforms /.. /.. /lib/ libqt5xcbqpa.so.5: undefined Symbol: FT_GET_FONT_FORMAT

yum -y install freetype-devel

Export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1. You may not have the same problem as me, but with the output, you can solve it step by step.

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