nbconvert failed: xelatex not found on PATH, if you have not installed xelatex you may need to do so

problem description


1. Install pandoc

download pandoc official download http://miktex.org/howto/install-miktex

other available CSDN resources download address
click directly to install, the default installation, you can choose the installation location.
then configure the environment variable to configure the installation path to the system path. For example, I put E:\IDE\Pandoc into the PATH.

2. Install miktex

directly click install, the default installation, you can choose the installation location.
(if the program does not automatically configure environment variables) requires manual configuration of environment variables to configure the installation path to the system path. If mine is put E:\IDE\MiKTeX 2.9\ MiKTeX \bin\x64 in path.

3. Install various macro packages

select convert PDF

automatically prompt to install various macro packages directly click install (install several times, until the installation is complete…)
note! However, if you encounter Chinese content will report an error, it is unable to convert Chinese, or if you encounter other problems, please feel free to leave a message.

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