mdt wds deployment windows Litetouch deployment failed, Return Code = -2147467259 0x80004005

It’s deployments that turn out to be wrong.

Litetouch deployment failed, return code = -2147467259 0x80004005

It’s been a long day, but I finally got the results back. Write it down.

Method 1

On your Windows 7 reference PC, open the registry editor. Navigate to the HKLM \ system \ settings. Look for a multi-string value called “CloneTag”. I’m guessing it’s not there. Add a new multistring value named “CloneTag”. The actual value doesn’t matter. I’m not sure if the case on the name matters, so I mimicked the error message. Export the HKLM\system\settings key and save it to the .reg file. Edit the .reg file and remove all other entries except for the CloneTag value.

Run cscript to start the task sequence selector. Select your Sysprep and capture the Task Sequence. Enter your credentials and start.

When it gets to the part where the sysprep is executed, run the .reg file to quickly import the CloneTag multi-string value. If you see that it continues to sport, then you should be clear.

Method 2

Go to the Scripts folder in your DS box and create a backup of the LTISysprep file somewhere on your desktop so you will have a copy and if anything goes wrong open the LTISysprep file with Notepad and remove osshell. MACHINE\System\Setup\CloneTag’ line off and save the file to update your deployment share continues by logging in to the referenced computer and on your DS machine.

Run the LiteTouch script to capture p_w_picpath on

Method 3.

The reason for this failure is that the registry key CloneTag under HKLM\system\settings was deleted during sysprep startup:

Enter your sysprep and capture the task sequence, execute sysprep, Options tab, Add, Registry Settings. Enter “System\Settings” in the “Key” box, and enter the CloneTag in the “Value Name” box, and place the “Value” in the CloneTag. ” box is left blank. The whole step is to add the registry entry back to the HKLM\system\setup after the sysprep is complete.

2. (Same approach as suggested by Jimmy lami)
You can also modify the script to prevent deletion of registry entries. Go to the deploymentshare folder and look for the script named LITSysprep in the scripts folder. Right-click on edit to make changes in the script. You can remove the oShell.RegDelete “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SystemSetup\CloneTag” or you may want to add. // infront to convert it to a comment.

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