IntelliSense: unable to open source file ‘StdAfx. H’

-h /.cpp file: cannot open the source file “stdafx.h”, some methods found are not applicable, such as: set project properties ->; Configure properties ->; C/C++-> Precompiled header ->; Using (/Yu)/ creating (/Yc)/ not using precompiled headers does not work either way. Despite this error, the program was run successfully. The initialization and compilation runs seem to use different lookup paths, which is a problem when developed with a lower version of VS2005/VS2008 but opened with a higher version of VS2010. The solution is:
< wbr> < wbr> < wbr> < wbr> < wbr> < wbr> < wbr> < wbr> < wbr> < wbr> < wbr> Project Properties -& gt; Configure properties -& gt; C/C++-& gt; General – & amp; gt; Additional include directory -& gt; < strong> $(ProjectDir)< /strong> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr> < /wbr>

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