How to Solve Azkaban error (Reasons & Solutions)

Error 1: azkaban job Preparing
modify the configuration of web-server conf/
# execute host filter configuration, remove MinimumFreeMemory
# MinimumFreeMemory filter will check if the executor host will have more than 6G of free memory, if less than 6G, the web-server will not send the task to that host

Error 2: When the job is running,azkaban web Error: Free memory amount minus Xmx (2836204 – 0 kb) is less than low mem threshold (3145728 kb), memory request declined

[root@qphone02 executor]# vi ./plugins/jobtypes/
# set execute-as-user
memCheck.enabled=false  # add memory check is off, otherwise it will report error: less than 3G

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