FIX: SSL error when connecting to the Jack server. [How to Solve]

FIX: SSL error when connecting to the Jack server.
unbuntu16.04 compiles android 8 source code and suddenly reports an error.

FAILED: setup-jack-server 
/bin/bash -c "(prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack-admin install-server prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack-launcher.jar prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack-server-4.11.ALPHA.jar  2>&1 || (exit 0) ) && (JACK_SERVER_VM_ARGUMENTS=\"-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation\" prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack-admin start-server 2>&1 || exit 0 ) && (prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack-admin update server prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack-server-4.11.ALPHA.jar 4.11.ALPHA 2>&1 || exit 0 ) && (prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack-admin update jack prebuilts/sdk/tools/jacks/jack-4.32.CANDIDATE.jar 4.32.CANDIDATE || exit 47 )"
Jack server already installed in ".jack-server"
Communication error with Jack server (35), try 'jack-diagnose' or see Jack server log
SSL error when connecting to the Jack server. Try 'jack-diagnose'
SSL error when connecting to the Jack server. Try 'jack-diagnose'


Try according to the prompt:

$ jack-diagnose
error: process ID list syntax error

 ps [options]

 Try 'ps --help <simple|list|output|threads|misc|all>'
  or 'ps --help <s|l|o|t|m|a>'
 for additional help text.

For more details see ps(1).
Port 8077 is used by another process (pid=), please ensure to free the port or change port configuration in '/.jack-settings' and 'jack-server/'
error: process ID list syntax error

 ps [options]

 Try 'ps --help <simple|list|output|threads|misc|all>'
  or 'ps --help <s|l|o|t|m|a>'
 for additional help text.

For more details see ps(1).
Port 8076 is used by another process (pid=), please ensure to free the port or change port configuration in '.jack-settings' and '/.jack-server/'
SSL error when connecting to the Jack server. Try 'jack-diagnose'

The problem remains the same, so the focus is still on SSL communication:
finally, it is solved by the following methods:

1. Edit/etc/java-8-openjdk/security/ 
# Algorithm restrictions for Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security
# (SSL/TLS) processing
# In some environments, certain algorithms or key lengths may be undesirable
# when using SSL/TLS.  This section describes the mechanism for disabling
# algorithms during SSL/TLS security parameters negotiation, including
# protocol version negotiation, cipher suites selection, peer authentication
# and key exchange mechanisms.
# Disabled algorithms will not be negotiated for SSL/TLS connections, even
# if they are enabled explicitly in an application.
# For PKI-based peer authentication and key exchange mechanisms, this list
# of disabled algorithms will also be checked during certification path
# building and validation, including algorithms used in certificates, as
# well as revocation information such as CRLs and signed OCSP Responses.
# This is in addition to the jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms property above.
# See the specification of "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" for the
# syntax of the disabled algorithm string.
# Note: The algorithm restrictions do not apply to trust anchors or
# self-signed certificates.
# Note: This property is currently used by the JDK Reference implementation.
# It is not guaranteed to be examined and used by other implementations.
# Example:
#   jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=MD5, SSLv3, DSA, RSA keySize < 2048
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, \
    DH keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224, 3DES_EDE_CBC, anon, NULL, \
    include jdk.disabled.namedCurves

2. Find the line of TLSv1, delete TLSv1, TLSv1.1, and save it.

3. switch to the Android compiled source project directory: prebuilts/sdk/tools/

4. Run.

./jack-admin kill-server 

./jack-admin start-server

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