Failed to connect to ourself

Today, when the management node of MySQL Cluster was restarted, it could not be started. After several attempts, there was still a problem. Check the log and the following error was reported.

2011-04-01 23:49:03 [MgmtSrvr] INFO     — Got initial configuration from ‘/usr/local/mysql/mysql-cluster/ config.ini ‘, will try to set it when all ndb_ mgmd(s

) started

2011-04-01 23:49:03 [MgmtSrvr] INFO     — Mgmt server state: nodeid 1 reserved for ip, m_ reserved_ nodes 1.

2011-04-01 23:49:03 [MgmtSrvr] INFO     — Node 1: Node 1 Connected

2011-04-01 23:49:03 [MgmtSrvr] INFO     — Id: 1, Command port: *:1186

2011-04-01 23:49:03 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING  — 1011 Unable to connect with connect string: nodeid=0, localhost:1186

2011-04-01 23:49:03 [MgmtSrvr] ERROR    — Failed to connect to ourself!

It’s strange that the server has been in normal use for several days. As soon as it was restarted today, there was a problem. I asked my colleagues what changes the server had made in the past two days. The answer is:

Changed the hosts file. Go up and see: found changed to:               localhost.localdomain openldap

So change to the default value               localhost.localdomain localhost

Restart, OK. business as usual!

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