Error in idea @ data entity class get / set

Recently, with idea new import of a Java Web project, the same code in Eclipse will not report error, but in idea there is a problem, the code does not compile through, red mark, start the error, finally find the reason in git: Lombok in idea is the need to install plug-ins……..
Part of the error code display:

After a long search on the Internet, I realized that the solution was to install Lombok plugin.
Without further ado, the specific plug-in installation steps are as follows:
1. Enter the IDEA Settings interface and find the Plugins option
2. Type Lombok into the search box
3. Click the Browse Repositories button

4. Select Lombok Plugin

5. Click the Install button on the right

6. After downloading and installing the Lombok Plugin, be sure to check the box behind it

7. Restart Idea, OK!

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