I installed ROS Melodic version, but I used the installation tutorial of “Kinetic” version. As a result, I forgot to change “Kinetic” into “Melodic” in the tutorial by using the echo command when adding environment variables at one step, so the following phenomena occurred:

An error occurred when I source ~/.bashrc
Bash:/opt/ros/kinetic/setup. Bash: no files or directories
After looking, I use the command
tlf@tanglifan:~$ gedit ~/.bashrc

At the bottom of a add error source: the source/opt/ros/kinetic/setup. Bash
Delete it and save it. It’s back to normal.

An error occurred when I source ~/.bashrc
Bash:/opt/ros/kinetic/setup. Bash: no files or directories
After looking, I use the command
tlf@tanglifan:~$ gedit ~/.bashrc

At the bottom of a add error source: the source/opt/ros/kinetic/setup. Bash
Delete it and save it. It’s back to normal.
Read More:
- When installing ROS: bash / opt / ROS / kinetic/ setup.bash : there is no file or directory
- The Linux terminal appears bash: setup.bash : no such file or directory, and. Bashrc file
- Solve syntax error: unexpected end of file or /bin/bash^m: bad interpeneter: no match file or directory
- Linux has no way to solve bash. / that file or directory
- Ubuntu 64 prompts bash: no such file or directory file exists
- Solve the problem of “bash. / don’t have that file or directory” in Ubuntu 64 bit
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- source, ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_ Profile details
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- The bash file written by windows runs in Linux system error
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