Zookeeper Failed to Start Error: start failed [How to Solve]

=====There is no error prompt in ZK here. Look for the logs. There is a logs directory on the upper layer of the bin directory. Check the logs===

Main error log information:

2022-07-28 15:31:50,793 [myid:] - ERROR [main:QuorumPeerMain@98] - Invalid config, exiting abnormally

========Solution information========

cd apache-zookeeper-3.6.2-bin/conf/

View the VIM zoo configuration file, view the dataDir directory defined by yourself, and view the ID information of zkServer.

CD to the dataDir directory,

echo  “serverid”  > myid

Go to the bin directory and start again, sh zkServer.sh start
check ZK application status: sh zkServer.sh status, (if the startup is successful and the status is wrong, you can wait until the cluster machine starts completely).


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