Tag Archives: The database

MS SQL Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user ‘domain\login’, error code 0x5. [SQ…

An interesting error occurred recently: some jobs on a database server overseas occasionally reported errors, with the following message:
Date 2013/9/15 12:00:00
Step ID 0
Server EGVNT02
Step Name (Job Outcome)
Duration 00:04:34
SQL severity 0
SQL message ID 0
Operators who have been notified by E-mail
An operator who has sent a notification over the network
Operators who have been notified by paging
Retry 0
The message
The job failed. Unable to determine if The owner (domain\login) of job JOB_SYNCHRONIZING_ESCM_DATA_EAV has Server Access (Reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user ‘domain\login’, error code 0x5. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404)).
The database version, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) -10.50.1600.1 (X64), was created using domain\ Login, which has the sysadmin Server role but belongs to Domain A and is not A member of the Administator group within the system. The login account for the database-related services is as follows:

Search the information from the Internet as follows:
This message is thrown if the SQL Server service uses an account that does not have sufficient administrative credentials on the Windows domain. In this situation, the xp_logininfo system stored procedure is run by using the security context of the SQL Server service. Because the account does not have sufficient administrative credentials to enumerate the properties of the user in the domain, the xp_logininfo system stored procedure fails, and you receive the 8198 error. To resolve this problem, change the startup account of the SQL Server service to a Windows domain account.
We need to either run the SQL service under domain account or use SQL authentication
This error message is thrown if the account used by the SQL Server service does not have sufficient administrative credentials. The Windows domain. In this case, the Xp_loginInfo system stored procedure is run in the security context of the SQL Server service. Because the account does not have enough security credentials to enumerate the user’s attributes in the domain, the Xp_loginInfo system stored procedure fails and you receive an 8198 error. To resolve this issue, change the startup account of the SQL Server service to the Windows Domain account.
We need to run the SQL service with the domain account or with SQL authentication.
In fact, it is also very convenient to solve this problem by changing the owner of the job to SA or the account with the role of Sysadmin in the local area. But I’m still confused about the nature of the problem. Why is it that it works most of the time, and occasionally this error occurs?I never understood that.

Unable to determine if the owner of job has server access


Explain MySQL replication error 1032 & 1205

Most of the businesses using MySQL involve Replication, and master-slave mechanisms are often used for reading and writing separation,HA, hot backup, or incremental Replication.
However, in many cases, 1032 and 1205 errors are reported
1032 in the first place.
Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND;
The root cause of the 1032 error was inconsistency in the master-slave database data, resulting in the synchronization operation not being performed on the slave library.
There are two kinds of situations I have encountered so far:
For Replication, I used master –binlog-do-db=db_name or slave — Replicate_do_db =db_name.
If two libraries pubs and test, ignore the test, the results have a SQL in the master test library implementation: insert into pubs. Tname values (XXXXX);
Then, depending on the configuration of the service, a 1032 error is raised if the master executes successfully and the master does not
2 TRIGGER and PROCEDURE version problem. If the master-slave version is inconsistent, for example, five pieces of data are written after the execution of a PROCEDURE on the master-slave version, while only one line of data is written after the execution of a PROCEDURE on the master-slave version, then a 1032 error is bound to occur

1. It doesn’t use –binlog-do-db and — Replicate_do_DB =db_name
Change from top — Replicate_wild_do_table =db_name.%
2 Ensure that the master-slave TRIGGER and PROCEDURE versions are consistent

Say again 1205:
This error is easy to understand. Typically, the primary operation connection is autocommit, and as a result, the runtime fails and an error is reported when synchronizing from the library.
Two ways to do it:
Set my.cnF Innodb_rollback_on_TIMEOUT =1 on the primary, rollback for timeout
2. Ignore 1052. My. CNF — slave-skipping-errors =1205 from above

1205 occurs on the main library, often because of lock timeouts. For example, using a transaction on a table results in one transaction not committing late, another transaction waiting for the previous transaction to commit, lock wait timeout, and the latter transaction hanging. A 1205 error occurred on the main library. The most common is when a table has a self-growing ID, and an INSERT initiated transaction is delayed for several reasons, so that subsequent transactions wait for the previous INSERT operation to commit when performing the insert operation on the table. These all require DBAs and R& D Cooperate to complete. The service performance is low CPU utilization, but load is unusually high. If you look innoDB status, you can catch lock conflicts randomly.

[ERROR] ERROR reading packet from Server: Lost Connection to MySQL Server during Query (server_errno=2013)
In general, three situations will lead to 2013 errors
1 Reverse parsing
2 Max_allowed_packet is inconsistent
3. Network Problems

The solution
1 Skip-name-resolve is forbidden to reverse resolve
Configure master slave max_allowed_packet with the same value
3 Adjust the value of net_write_TIMEOUT

A friend of mine reported a mistake in 2013 when I was writing notes. None of the three schemes mentioned above worked, and Lost Connection to MySQL Server appeared very timely. Finally, I found out that the network agent controlled the connection for more than 30 minutes and automatically hung up…

Error when connecting to database: DB2 SQL error: sqlcode = – 204, sqlstate = 42704, sqlerrmc= YXUAT.CUST_ BLK_ REL, DRIVER=4.25.13

DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC= yxuat. CUST_BLK_REL, DRIVER=4.25.13

Reason: When using MyBATIS, the remote database was connected, and the login user did not specify which schemas to use, that is, the user name was not specified. This led to the fact that Mybaits could not find the schemas we wanted, so it reported an error.
Solution 1: When you write SQL statements, you simply add schemas before the table names in the SQL
For example: SELECT * from cmis_uat1.cust_blk_rel
Solution 2: Add schemas when configuring datasource.
For example: spring: a datasource: url: JDBC: db2:// currentSchema = CMIS_UAT1; username: yxuat password: xfjr2016

Error ora-00600 [ksfd] in logical standby database of DataGuard_ DECAIOPC]

I just arrived at the company this morning and found the following error in the alarm log of a logic backup library:

Fri Nov 25 07:44:08 2011

Errors in file /home/oracle/admin/cms2009/bdump/cms2009_lsp0_19249.trc:

ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P004

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kollasg:client lob on server], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

LOGSTDBY Apply process P005 pid=47 OS id=19263 stopped

Errors in file /home/oracle/admin/cms2009/bdump/cms2009_lsp0_19249.trc:

ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P000

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [KSFD_DECAIOPC], [0x24C52A500], [], [], [], [], [], []

LOGSTDBY Apply process P005 pid=47 OS id=19263 stopped

LOGSTDBY Apply process P004 pid=46 OS id=19261 stopped

LOGSTDBY Apply process P009 pid=50 OS id=19271 stopped

LOGSTDBY Apply process P010 pid=51 OS id=19273 stopped

LOGSTDBY Apply process P008 pid=49 OS id=19269 stopped

Fri Nov 25 07:44:14 2011

TLCR process death detected. Shutting down TLCR

So immediately check:

select * from v$Logstdby_state;

Finding that the logging application has stopped, you attempt to restart its logging application.

alter database start logical standby apply immediate;

The log application was found to be in good working order.

Since then, I have been searching for the cause of the error.
may be due to a bug:


From “ITPUB blog” link: http://blog.itpub.net/23073818/viewspace-712043/, if you want to reprint, please indicate the source, otherwise will be investigated for legal responsibility.

Reproduced in: http://blog.itpub.net/23073818/viewspace-712043/

HTTP status 500 – internal server error (resolved) for Tomcat running project

Today, when I was working on the student information management system, I just ran tomcat and opened the web page and clicked on the student table.

program could not go when I went to the Servlet. I checked the content of the Servlet and found that there was no mistake, and there was no problem after I looked at the interface implementation of Dao layer.
Finally, I thought about it and found that My Mysql was turned off when I ran PHPstudy yesterday. Then I opened the service and found that my Mysql was in a stopped state.

here because yesterday when using PHPStudy, because the integrated environment in PHPStudy contains Mysql, when Mysql on our computer is turned on, Mysql in PHPStudy cannot run. So I shut down Mysql on my computer.
So if we right click on Mysql, we can start, and Mysql is up and running, and our project is running successfully.

SQL Server 2005, unable to log in, forget sa password, 15405 error!

can not be connected to./SQLEXPRESS.
Additional information:
user ‘sa’ login failed. This user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (18452), Microsoft SQL Server Error:)
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
it’s mapping times wrong:
failed to create for user “sa”. (Microsoft) is essentially) express. The smo)
Additional information:
perform Transact_SQL statements or abnormal happened when the batch. (Microsoft) is essentially) express. ConnectionInfo)
unable to use special groups’ sa ‘. The (15405), Microsoft SQL Server Error:

2, the concrete solving steps:

the first step: open the SQL2005 with administrator login first, then right-click the selected attributes in the service name & gt; Security & gt; The login mode option on the right has been changed to authentication OK!

step 2: select safety (expand)> Login name & gt; Double-click the sa> Password change the password you need to confirm! Then turn off SQL2005 or disconnect.

. Step 3: start > Application & gt; Choose SQL2005 & gt; Configuration tool & GT; Open the configuration manager> Expand SQL Server2005 network configuration
> TCP/IP options & gt; Enable and right click > Property & gt; Ip address TAB & GT; Change all disabled options to enabled & GT; Then restart the SQL2005 service!

Version problem of SQL Server

Recently, SQL Server 2005 has been installed on the computer. It works normally on this computer. Everything is OK.

When connected to the server operation Database, however, you Unspecified error when creating the table:

The details of the error are as follows:


Unspecified error
 (MS Visual Database Tools)

Program Location:

   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataTools.Interop.IDTTableDesignerFactory.NewTable(Object dsRef, Object pServiceProvider)
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.TableDesignerNode.CreateDesigner(IDTDocToolFactoryProvider factoryProvider, IVsDataConnection dataConnection)
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.VsDataDesignerNode.CreateDesigner()
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.VsDataDesignerNode.Open()
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.VirtualProject.Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.ISqlVirtualProject.CreateDesigner(Urn origUrn, DocumentType editorType, DocumentOptions aeOptions, IManagedConnection con)
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.ISqlVirtualProject.CreateDesigner(Urn origUrn, DocumentType editorType, DocumentOptions aeOptions, IManagedConnection con)
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.ScriptFactory.CreateDesigner(DocumentType editorType, DocumentOptions aeOptions, Urn parentUrn, IManagedConnection mc)
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.VsDocumentMenuItem.CreateDesignerWindow(IManagedConnection mc, DocumentOptions options)


checked on the Internet, the original problem was between SQL Server versions: SQL Server 2005 Management Studio could not operate SQL Server 2008, so this error occurred.

The solution is to replace 2005 with 2008.

Arithmetical overflow error converting expression to data type datetime

After changing the Sql Server database language, our ContentServer cannot edit the newly created file when using DA. The exception arithmetic overflow error converting to data type datetime cannot be solved by changing the database language again. Today, I found that the ODBC connection configuration has also been changed. So replace it back

If any of the above occurs, see if the language is consistent with the database language.

Reproduced in: https://www.cnblogs.com/yangqianming/archive/2011/07/15/2107445.html

“Permission denied” error in Oracle10g installation

Reason: Before the software was uploaded to the Linux server, it was unzipped and then uploaded in the Windows environment. When it was uploaded, it was already the folder after decompression, so the execution permission of those three files was lost.
1, enter database folder
2, chmod 755 runInstaller(grant permissions)
3, enter install LLL a(view files)
4, chmod 755. Oui (solve install/. Oui this hidden file does not have permissions to execute)
5, chmod 755 unzip(solve unzip permissions)
6, then execute in the Database folder./runInstaller

【error】postgresql relation does not exist

There have been a lot of problems with PostgresQL lately.
postgresql relation does not exist
When querling AAA tables using PostgresQL, postgresQL relation does not exist, but

SELECT   tablename   FROM   pg_tables;

AAA tables exist. It’s weird.
The search turned out to be a problem with quotes. PostgreSQL itself is not case sensitive, so if you want to create a new table with uppercase letters, you must use quotation marks, and if you want to query it, you must use quotation marks.

select * from "AAA";

The following from: http://blog.csdn.net/dream20nn/article/details/51790106
A recently developed ETL tool for the WEB requires different data sources. The first time POSTGRESQL has found a problem with double quotes:
standard SQL is case-insensitive. But PostgreSQL allows case-sensitive definition and reference methods for the names of objects in the database. This is done by enclosing the name of the object you want to support size in double quotes in the DDL. For example, you want to create a table called AAA. If you use CREATE TABLE AAA (…) ; So the table that you create is actually aaa.
CREATE TABLE “AAA” (…) if you want to CREATE an upper case AAA TABLE. ; This is the double quote way of defining the object name. The disadvantage of writing
is that the query must also refer to the object name in double quotes. SELECT * FROM “AAA”; PostgreSQL doesn’t need to go to the AAA object and return an error that aaa doesn’t exist. It is important to note that not only tables can be defined and referenced in this way, but any object (column name, index name, etc.) in PostgreSQL is valid.
In fact, traditional SQL is case-insensitive, so there is no problem as long as DDL and DLLS manipulate database objects in the traditional (without double quotes) way. The problem is that if tables are created through PostgreSQL’s pgAdmin III tool, objects are created with double quotes by default, so the DLL must also be used with double quotes. However, this is not standard and is not supported if the database is accessed through some common library function.
1. The tool pgAdmin III is not recommended for creating database objects. You should still write DDL statements by hand. 2. Double quotation marks in DDL are not recommended for creating case-sensitive objects. PostgreSQL recommends using uppercase for SQL key word and lowercase for all other names.

Solution to Starting Fault of routing and remote access service (16389 (0x4005))

1. The routing and remote access service cannot be started on a Microsoft Windows 2000 Server computer or a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Server computer.
the following error message was recorded in the system event log on the Windows 2000 server computer:

Type error:

source: service control manager

category: none

event ID 7024:


routing and remote access service due to a specific service error 87 (0x57).

Type error:

source: remote access

category: none

event ID: 20152


the current configuration authentication provider failed to load and initialize. The parameter is an error.

The following error messages will be logged based on the system event log on the Windows Server 2003 machine:

Type error:

source: service control manager

category: none

event ID 7024:


routing and remote access service due to a specific service error 16389 (0x4005).


Launching Routing and Remote Access Service prompts:
Routing and Remote Access cannot be started on a local computer. Refer to the system log for reasons. If this is not a Microsoft service, contact the service vendor. And refer to the specific error code 16389.
The details in the event viewer are:
Routing and Remote Access service to be stopped due to a 16389 (0x4005) service error. The error ID is 7024…
2, the reason
This problem occurred when the Internet Authentication Service (IAS) database was corrupted. IAS and routing and remote Access services use the IAS database.
3. Solutions
To solve this problem, follow these steps:

    extract ias.mdb file and dnary.mdb file from Windows2000Server CD or Windows Server 2003 CD to %WinDir%/System32/Ias folder on disk. To do this, follow these steps:

      click start, click run, type CMD in open, box, and then click ok. At the command prompt, type the following line. Press Enter after each line:

      cd i386
      ren %windir%/system32/ias/ias.mdb %windir%/system32/ias/iasOLD.mdb
      ren %windir%/system32/ias/dnary.mdb %windir%/system32/ias/dnaryOLD.mdb
      expand ias.md_ %windir%/system32/ias/ias.mdb
      expand dnary.md_ %windir%/system32/ias/dnary.mdb
      note that in this step, driver is a dvd-rom drive containing the Windows2000Server or WindowsServer2003CD that represents the drive letter is a cd-rom drive or placeholder.

    register oledb32r.dll file and register oledb32.dll file. To do this, follow these steps:

      at the command prompt, type the following line. Press Enter after each line:

      cd program files/common files/system/ole db
      regsvr32 oledb32r.dll
      note that in this step, drive is a placeholder representing the ProgramFiles folder is the drive letter to store. When you receive a message indicating whether the operation was successful, click OK. At the command prompt, type the following line, and then press ENTER:

      regsvr32 oledb32.dll
      When you receive a message indicating whether the operation was successful, click OK. Type EXIT and then press ENTER to exit the command prompt.

    register vbscript.dll file. To do this, follow these steps:

      at the command prompt, type the following line. Press Enter after each line:

      cd %systemroot%/system32
      regsvr32 vbscript.dll
      note that in this step, driver is a placeholder representing the drive letter is stored in the System 32 folder. When you receive a message indicating whether the operation was successful, click OK. Type EXIT and then press ENTER to exit the command prompt.

    starts routing and remote access services. To do this, follow these steps:

      points to the program, points to the management tool, and starts with Services. Right-click the Routing and Remote Access service, and click Start.