Tag Archives: PCL

Vs2015 + PCL. 1.8.1 (win10) environment configuration

This weekend did nothing, from Friday night to install the PCL library, the whole is really want to cry, again and again, every time there are dozens of even hundreds of new problems, obviously in accordance with the previous install version 1.8.0 method, I do not know what is wrong. Then on Saturday night to give up to go back to sleep, do not know what they have done, suddenly good, even before 1.8.0 encountered VTK can not use the problem is also solved, happiness comes too TTTTTTTTTTT suddenly !!!!!!!!!
I have also looked at the installation tutorials of many blogs, although they are all similar, but who can guarantee that there may be a place that does not fit and cause problems. Suffice it to say, the way to get yourself installed successfully is the right way. Here is a record of my final successful installation process, for your reference.
Install pcl1.8.1
First, download the pcl1.8.1 installation package for installation, the installation package can be found on the Internet.
Here attached my links: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-dPRLZ1a8Ktemo2EGXU-Sw extraction code: 66 rb. I have 64 bits here. Here 32-bit or 64-bit depends on how many bits your VS compiler has, not the operating system.
I am selecting the second option, automatically generating system variables, modifying the installation directory, and customizing the installation in C:\pcl1.8.1.


Error: no override found for ‘vtkPolyDataMapper’.

VS2015 + PCL1.8 Execution Error:

Generic Warning: In C:\Build\3rdParty\x64\VTK-7.0.0\Rendering\Core\vtkPolyDataMapper.cxx, line 28
Error: no override found for 'vtkPolyDataMapper'.


 #include <vtkAutoInit.h>

and add “opengl32. lib” to Linker –> Input –> Additional Dependencies。  

Vs2012 compiling PCL dependency library vtk7.0

Software preparation:
1. Download the source code compression package VTK-7.0.0.zip from the VTK official website and extract it.
2. Download the installation package QT-Opensource-Windows-x86-MSVC2012_OpenGL-5.3.2. exe from the Qt official website, and install it by default.
3. Download the installation package cmake-3.0.2-win32-x86.exe from the official website of CMake, and install it by default.
Cmake set
1. Check Groupd and Advanced, and set the source code directory and build directory.
2. Press the Configure button, select VisualStudio 11 2012, click OK, and wait for the configuration to complete.
3. At the VTK node, locate and check VTK_GROUP_QT. Press the Configure button and wait for the configuration to complete. When done, CMake will report an error and click OK.
4. In the UngroundedEntries node with a red background, locate and change the value of VTK_QT_VERSION to 5. Set the value of QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE to C:/Qt/Qt5.3.2/5.3/msvc2012_opengl/bin/qmake. Exe. Press the Configure button and wait for the configuration to complete. When done, CMake will report an error and click OK.
5. In the UngroundedEntries node with red background, set the value of Qt5_DIR to C:/Qt/ qt5.3.2/5.3/msvc2012_opengl/lib/cmake/Qt5. Press the Configure button and wait for the configuration to complete. When done, CMake will no longer report errors.
6. On the CMAKE node, locate the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX node and use the default Settings. This value is the installation directory of the VTK after compilation.
7. Click Add Entry button, set Name to CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX, Type to STRING, Value to -GD, and click OK after setting. Press the Configure button and wait for the configuration to complete. Set this to ensure that the debug version of lib, DLL and release version of lib, the DLL name is different, to prevent later installation, both overwrite.
8. Click the Generate button and wait for the project VS file to be generated.
9. Locate the plugininstall. cmake file in the GUISupport\Qt folder of the build directory. Open it with Notepad and take line 5
Replace with
Note: Make sure that qvtkwidgetPlugin-gd.dll and qvtkwidgetPlugin.dll are surrounded by double quotation marks after substitution. Otherwise, subsequent compilation will return an error.
Save. This modification can prevent the QVTKWidgetPlugin file from being found when installing Qt plugin during debugging.

VS2012 compilation

1. Run VS as an administrator, click File, Open, and the dialog box pops up. Find the vtk.sln file in the path and open it.
2. In Solution Manager, go to ALL_BUILD, right-click, and click Build. Wait for VS to compile. When finished, find Install, click the right mouse button, and click Create.
3. Change the solution configuration to Release. In Solution Manager, go to ALL_BUILD, right-click, and click Build. Wait for VS to compile. When finished, find Install, click the right mouse button, and click Create.
4. After the above steps are completed, the compiled file will be in the path set by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

Error lnk1120: 2 unresolved external commands: vtkrenderingopengl_ Autoinit (construct, destroy), which is referenced in

PCLS minimum bounding box calculation, using the https://blog.csdn.net/WillWinston/article/details/80196895 program.
In PCL1.8.0 + VS2013 + Win10 environment, debug error report:
(1) ERROR LNK1120: 2 external commands that cannot be resolved;
(2) ERROR LNK2019: Unable to parse the external symbol “VTKRENDERINGOPGL_AUTOINIT (CONSTRUCT)” at….. Is cited in;
(3) error LNK2019: Unable to resolve external symbol “vtkRenderingOpenGL_AutoInit(Destruct)” at….. Is referenced in.
Search the problem’s reason said: there is a header file, but can’t find the implementation (https://blog.csdn.net/ydc_ss/article/details/53227732) :
(1) contains only the header files, only the function of statement that does not contain the function implementation (implemented generally in the CPP file). So only through the compile, the connection is not successful.
(2) another reason is the function of the declarations and implementations in the header file, generally want to put the declarations in the header file, implementation in the CPP file. Each #include header file will have an implementation of the function. When connecting, the linker will not know which implementation to connect to and will report an error.
Therefore, I searched the file vtkrenderingOpenGL in the installed file and found that I was using vtkrenderingOpenGL2, so I could not find it. After modification, I reported an error to solve the problem.

PCL: error encountered in verride found for ‘vtkrenderwindow’ visualization.

Override found for ‘VTKrenderWindow’ Override found for ‘VTKrenderWindow’ Override found for ‘VTKrenderWindow’ Override found for ‘VTKrenderWindow
http://blog.csdn.net/wokaowokaowokao12345/article/details/51096887 said the blog in the program to add two lines of code can solve the problem, but I tried still doesn’t work, will quote that three mistakes.
Another foreign blog says that adding three lines will still report errors, so don’t install 1.8.0 or higher if you don’t have to. 1.7.x will suffice, because I didn’t have these problems when I used 1.7.
If you really can’t fix this problem, we suggest you install version 1.7.

PCL Programming Notes — assertion ` PX! = 0 ‘failed

Reference: http://blog.csdn.net/mnonm_mnonm_mnonm/article/details/8706659

Error: boost: : from… Assertion `px ! = 0′ failed.
Reason: The smart pointer is uninitialized.
Processing: Initialize.
Such as

PointCloudT::Ptr cloud;

The compiler can pass, but the program will report the above error when run, after the following initialization, the error disappeared.

PointCloudT::Ptr cloud=boost::make_shared <PointCloudT> ();

Pcl-1.8.1-vs2017-win64 Baidu cloud download and installation

The git in the photo website can download all versions of PLC:https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/releases
But domestic downloads often break.
I am using PCL1.8.1 _VS2017_win64 version, now installed record share connection: link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gREl9tDmX-sKGMB6sKxfFA extracted code: GXDG
Installation reference photo blog, http://gyshgx868.github.io/2018/03/06/PointCloud/pcl-install/, feel more complicated than the opencv.

PCL environment configuration (pcl1.8.1, vs2017, win10)

PCL environments have been configured several times on different devices, but they are always older versions. The installation has been manually compiled (the method used in this article), as well as CMAKE compiled. After comparison, although the CMAKE way save a lot of steps, but need to install Qt, will take up a lot of space, the method steps in this article is simple and clear, for the general PCL user should be no difficulty.
Pre-installed: VS2017
Underload: PCL 1.8.1-Allinone-MSVC2017-Win64.exe, PCL 1.8.1-PDB-MSVC2017-Win64.zip
Run pCL-1.8.1-allinone-msvc2017-win64.exe directly
Select For All User

Then start the installation.
OpenNI address selected below, continue installation.

Unzip PCL-1.8.1-PDB-MSVC2017-Win64 and copy the PDB file to the bin folder under the installation path:

Set to see that PCL, OPENNI have been added to the system environment variables,

Add FLANN, VTK, and other paths to your PATH:
%PCL_ROOT%\bin; %PCL_ROOT%\3rdParty\FLANN\bin; %PCL_ROOT%\3rdParty\VTK\bin; %PCL_ROOT%\Qhull\bin; PCL_ROOT % % \ 3 rdparty \ OpenNI2 \ Tools

Open VS and create a new project, select Debug/Release mode, right-click the project in Solution Manager, and select VC++ Properties ->; Include the directory.

Add include directory:

Add the library directory in the same way:

Click the linker ->; Input – & gt; Additional dependencies, Debug version copy:


Release version copy


Test whether the point cloud reading and display program can execute smoothly, that is, complete the installation under the DEBUG version. Then follow the same basic steps to install the Release version, that is, to complete the installation and compilation of the PCL environment.

Pcl1.9 + vs2017 + win10 installation instructions and MFC adaptation

At the time of this writing, the latest version of PCL is 1.9.1, and the address is here. But from all the indications on GitHub, 1.10 should be coming soon.
This article is done on the installation of PCL, and it is very detailed, so there is no need to repeat it.
The reason for this post is to explain that if you are using “AllInOne”, please do not select 1.9.1!!
Otherwise, when compiling release x64, it will report an error (x86 has not tried it, it will probably be enough). After a few hours of investigation, I saw someone mention this problem on GitHub, but the owner said that it is not recommended to use “AllInOne”, instead, use CMake, and then there is no such thing. After a long struggle, the guy decided to give up and use CMAKE to solve the problem.
After using Debug version n for a long time, I finally want to fix this problem today, so I want to try 1.9.0 instead of CMake, and then the problem will be solved…
Also, in some cases, PCL may need to be used with MFC, and its configuration is basically the same as if it were used on the console. However, there are a few issues that need to be noted, otherwise it will not compile.
1. Turn off SDL check: C/C++-> SDL check – & gt; No (/ SDL -)
2. Properties – & gt; Advanced – & gt; Use of MFC ->; Use MFC in a shared DLL, otherwise the following error will occur

3. VTKATOMIC. H with “::” before three “detail”

Configuration problem of pcl1.9.1 under Windows 10 vs2017 (solved)

Windows 10 VS2017 PCL1.9.1 configuration issue resolved
The first time to use the PCL library, encountered many problems. Write down some problems here so that other friends who have the same problem can solve them.
I won’t talk about the basic configuration, you can refer to this blog. I think that’s pretty detailed.
especially recommend a property sheet, then I don’t need in the configuration.
The problem
I ran into several problems after following this blog configuration.
The parameters of the E2512 functional test macro must be simple descriptors
VS2017 at compile time errors E2512 functional test macro parameter must be a simple identifier

this error can be ignored, actually does not affect your code generation, just IntelliSense errors.

Problem with pop_t not finding identifier
I searched this issue for a long time and finally found a solution on GitHub’s Issue.

oblem in PCL third party library Flann kind, dish.h file. #ifpop_t is used in #elsebut is not specified, so we add this sentence (which was originally defined in #if).