Tag Archives: Latex

[Solved] LaTeX Error: File ‘‘picins.sty‘‘ not Found.

What should I do if latex is running fine in the early stages, but suddenly it doesn’t work and shows that an important file is missing? Here we take “picins.sty” as an example.

Most of the problems can be solved by the following method.
It would be more accurate to put the two .sty files in the tex/latex/picins directory, the .dvi and .doc files in the doc/latex/picins directory, and the rest of the files in the source/latex/picins directory. The above refers to its directory tree in MiKTeX. However, it was found that the corresponding picins folder could not be found, so you need to complete it manually, as follows.

Step 1, check if the picins folder is missing under texlive’s folder, tex/latex/picins directory and doc/latex/picins directory and source/latex/picins directory.

Step 2: If not, copy the downloaded and unzipped picins folder to the above three directories.

Step 3, press win+R at the same time, execute cmd command, type “texhash” to update the database of tex.

The above three steps will solve the problem that the file does not exist.

[Solved] LaTeX Error: \Url Error ->\url used in a moving argument.

LaTeX error: \Url Error ->\url used in a moving argument.

Error Messages:

\Url Error ->\url used in a moving argument.

Causes and Solutions

To use \url{…} in footnotes, images, table titles, etc. and other commands, you need to use \protect before.

For example:

  I would thank to Xovee Xu (\url{https://xovee.cn/})

// or 

  Please refer to \url{https://xovee.cn/}

Change to

  I would thank to Xovee Xu (\protect\url{https://xovee.cn/}). 

// or 

  Please refer to \protect\url{https://xovee.cn/}. 

[Solved] VSCode Edit LaTeX Error: Recipe terminated with error.

Recipe terminated with error encountered while editing latex in vscode Problem handling method


After texlive is installed, the command error is displayed in tex – V in the CMD file, but the version information can be displayed normally by opening tex live command line and entering tex – V. This indicates that texlive is installed successfully but the environment variables are configured incorrectly, so the error in the title appears

it is not feasible to add environment variables directly in user variables or system variables;


After adding the above text

in the path of the system environment variable, it seems that you don’t need to restart the computer. You can display the information of Tex-V in CMD, and then restart vscode.

[Solved] Latex&VScode Error: I found no bibdata command//command//citation—while reading file*.aux

Latex& Vscode error I found no bibdata command// command// citation – while reading file * aux


Problem description

The template I use requires the compile order: Compile with: xelatex -> biber -> xelatex -> xelatex

Using various tutorials in the VScode plugin configuration json file are xelatex -> bibtex -> xelatex -> xelatex

In fact bibtex and biber are not a thing, refer to tex link

Resulting in the problem as shown


Add the configuration for biber compilation to the setting.json configuration file in VScode’s Latex

 "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
            "name": "biber",
            "command": "biber",
            "args": [
 "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
         "name": "xelatex -> biber -> xelatex*2",
         "tools": [


Restart VScode and use xelatex -> biber -> xelatex*2 to compile successfully

Full Codes:

    "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
            "name": "latexmk",
            "command": "latexmk",
            "args": [
            "name": "xelatex",
            "command": "xelatex",
            "args": [
            "name": "pdflatex",
            "command": "pdflatex",
            "args": [
            "name": "bibtex",
            "command": "bibtex",
            // "command": "biber",
            "args": [
                // "%DOC%"
            "name": "biber",
            "command": "biber",
            // "command": "biber",
            "args": [
    "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
            "name": "xelatex",
            "tools": ["xelatex"]
            "name": "latexmk",
            "tools": ["latexmk"]
            "name": "pdflatex -> bibtex",
            "tools": ["pdflatex","bibtex"]
        // {
        //     "name": "pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex*2",
        //     "tools": [
        //         "pdflatex",
        //         "bibtex",
        //         "pdflatex",
        //         "pdflatex"
        //     ]
        // },
            "name": "xelatex -> bibtex -> xelatex*2",
            "tools": [

            "name": "xelatex -> biber -> xelatex*2",
            "tools": [

    "latex-workshop.latex.clean.fileTypes": [
    "latex-workshop.message.error.show": false,
    "latex-workshop.message.warning.show": false,

    "latex-workshop.showContextMenu": true, 
    "latex-workshop.intellisense.package.enabled": true, 
    "latex-workshop.latex.autoBuild.run": "onSave", 


The problem of recipe terminated with error. Retry building the project. Occurs when vscode configures latex

    // Latex workshop
    "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
            "name": "latexmk",
            "command": "latexmk",
            "args": [
            "name": "xelatex",
            "command": "xelatex",
            "args": [
            "name": "pdflatex",
            "command": "pdflatex",
            "args": [
            "name": "bibtex",
            "command": "bibtex",
            "args": [
    "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
            "name": "xelatex",
            "tools": [
            "name": "latexmk",
            "tools": [

            "name": "pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex*2",
            "tools": [
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer": "tab",
    "latex-workshop.latex.clean.enabled": true,
    "latex-workshop.latex.clean.fileTypes": [


MacTex Font Missing Error: The font “TeX Gyre Termes Math“ cannot be found.

Problem: the font “tex gyre termes math” cannot be found after the installation configuration is completed

\setmathfont{TeX Gyre Termes Math}

Software: mactex + sublime text

Cause: the Mac OS system lacks tex gyre termes math font


1. Download font package

get into http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry Download, find tex gyre termes math from the font bar on the left and download:

2. Install font

After decompression, there are doc and OpenType folders in the font package, and the OpenType file contains a textgyreterms-math.otf file. Double click the installation directly under the MAC system to install the system font. After successful installation, see the following figure:

For the installation process of other systems, refer to install.txt in the doc folder. After the installation is completed, it can be compiled!

KaTeX parse error: No such environment: align

CSDN uses KAtex and does not support align, but can use aligned.

\frac{\partial l_n}{\partial w}&=-[\frac{y_n}{\sigma(z)}\sigma'(z)x - \frac{1-y_n}{1-\sigma(z)}\sigma'(z)x] \\
&= \frac{\sigma(z)-y_n}{\sigma(z)[1-\sigma(z)]}\sigma'(z)x \\

































































\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial l}u n}{\partial w}&=-[\ frac{y}{\sigma(z)}\sigma'(z)x – \frac{y-y n}{1-\sigma(z)}\sigma'(z)x] \\\\\\sigma &= \sigma(z)} frac{\sigma(z)-y}{\sigma(z)[1-\sigma(z)}\sigma'(z)x \\\\end{aligned}

(i)a (i)a (i)a (i)a) a (i)a (i)a)

Error in loading latex project compilation [How to Solve]

The following error occurs when overleaf loads the latex template online.
This compile didn’t produce a PDF. This can happen if:
There is an unrecoverable LaTeX error. If there are LaTeX errors shown below or in the raw logs, please try to fix them and compile again.The document environment contains no content. If it’s empty, please add some content and compile again.This project contains a file called output.pdf. If that file exists, please rename it and compile again.

Select “menu” – “Compiler” – “XeLatex”.

Compiled again, successfully.

Latex macro package and latex error: file ‘xxx. Sty’ not found

Get missing macro package

Macro package address: https://ctan.org/pkg/
After searching

Click to download

after downloading, it is found that there are no. Style and other files, which can’t be updated if you add them directly<

you need to use winedit to open the. Ins file and compile it

generate. Style and other files after passing

copy the secondary file to the following directory

use the texhash command on the terminal, or refer to https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_ 14896267/article/details/102736807, complete the package!

Overleaf PDF Rendering Error Something went wrong while rendering this PDF [How to Solve]

1. Problems

I just came into contact with overleaf . I thought it was very simple, but when I downloaded a template for compilation, I found that I always reported an error:
PDF rendering error something went wrong while rendering this PDF

2. Solutions

Google didn’t find the answer after a while. Later, it thought to itself, why every time there is a PDF download page for IDM , and whether the problem is caused by the IDM plug-in. Sure enough, turned off the IDM plug-in and the problem was solved.