Tag Archives: git

[Solved] OpenSSL ssL_read: Connection was aborted,errno 10053

OpenSSL ssL_Read: connection was aborted, errno 10053 error

Original error message:
git: fatal: unable to access’ https://github.com/overwhatx/gittest.git/ :
OpenSSL ssL_read: Connection was aborted,errno 10053

terms of settlement

Reason: git limits the size of push by default. Run the command to change the limit size to increase the buffer

git config -- global http.postbuffer 524288000

Change network authentication settings

git config http.sslverify "false"

Git submit code error husky > pre commit [How to Solve]

Reason: the keyword is husky > Baidu found the problem after pre-commit. It was really a file under. Git in the local project that caused the submission failure. This file is a pre-commit file.

Solution steps:

1. Find the .Git folder in the project (you need to display the hidden files before they appear. To display the hidden files: click View Options view show hidden files to confirm). Double click to enter and you can see some files about GIT

2. Go to the .Git folder, go to the hooks folder, and find the pre-commit file.

Pre-commit (client) hook, which will run to check the code style before git types the submission information
If the code does not comply with the corresponding rules, an error is reported.

3. After deleting the file, we commit and find that it can be submitted successfully.

Second question:

Prompt when git pushes: refs cannot be pushed to the remote end

Solution: pull the mainline code again, merge, resolve the conflict, resubmit, and then push to the remote end.

[Solved] ERROR Error loading vue.config.js: ERROR Error: Command failed: git describe

Recently, a front-end and back-end separation project was implemented using git clone. A problem was encountered during the front-end startup. Node.js was used    The NPM run serve command and the yarn run serve command will report an error when starting the front-end project. You have tried to download the dependent node that has been installed_ The modules folder and the whole front-end project still reported this problem. Baidu found the error: command failed: git describe — always, and did not find the corresponding article

Later, I finally found the problem and reported the error because of the environment variable problem of GIT

First, this is the wrong git configuration, which leads to the error: command failed: git describe — always problem

The following is how to correctly configure environment variables. Add CMD after the original path

Then, create a new CMD and enter yarn run serve to run normally. The problem I encountered is solved in this way

[Solved] Error: SRC refspec master doors not match any

Unable to submit successfully when pushing

error: src refspec master does not match any 
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://gitee.com/xxxxxxx/cool-admin-midway.git'

The content of the question is:

Error: SRC refspec master does not match any
error: failed to push some references to ” https://gitee.com/xxxxxxx/cool-admin-midway.git ’

That is, the warehouse is empty

Use the git add XXX. Py ( git add. add all) instruction to add all files, and then perform git commit – M “init” to commit all files,

git commit -m "init"

Then in execution

$ git remote add origin xxxxxxxx.git

Last use

$ git push -u origin master

In this way, the code can be uploaded successfully. You can see that the code is uploaded successfully in the warehouse


In fact, you only need to do the following steps to upload local projects to GitHub

 1. create a local repository (i.e. folder) and turn it into a Git repository by git init.

 2. Copy the project into this folder and add it to the repository via git add . Add the project to the repository.

 3. commit the project to the repository by using git commit -m "comment content".

 4, after setting up the SSH key on Github, create a new remote repository by git remote add origin https://github.com/guyibang/TEST2.git Associate a local repository with a remote repository.

 5. Finally, push the project from the local repository to the remote repository (i.e. Github) via git push -u origin master; (if the README file is automatically created when you create a new remote repository, it will report an error, see above for the solution).

Complete steps for uploading files locally to gitee

Git global settings:

git config --global user.name "namexxxx"
git config --global user.email "emailxxx"

Create a git repository:

mkdir test_code
cd test_code
git init
git add xxxx (to add files, git add . Add all)
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://xxxxx.git
git push -u origin master

How to Solve Git Error: error: unable to unlink old ‘***.jar‘

1 problem description

When a new branch code (GIT fetch + git checkout – b) is pulled to operate a new local branch, there is a problem (GIT rebase, GIT stash, GIT checkout old branches will not prompt this error, and the same error will be reported on rollback on idea)

2 problem solving

Stop the application (the project is running, and the jar package is referenced, which makes git unable to access). Rollback the jar package in the idea, select the jar package, and click the button

3 problem analysis

The project is running, the jar package is referenced, and git cannot be updated

Git Error: failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated

Tencent virtual machine doesn’t know why it can’t git clone, and an error is reported:

fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-plugins.git/': gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
plugin ruby not found in repository

After checking, you need to use libcurl4 OpenSSL dev to replace gnutls to compile GIT.

sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot dpkg-dev
mkdir ~/git-openssl
cd ~/git-openssl
sudo apt-get source git
sudo apt-get build-dep git

If there is an error that the source code cannot be found, use the command sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list to open the file and uncomment the line with deb_src, save and run sudo apt update, and then execute the last command above.

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo dpkg-source -x git_2.17.1-1ubuntu0.9.dsc
cd git_2.17.1 # Actual version may differ

Then edit the Debian/control file and use the command sudo VIM deebian/control to change all libcurl4 gnutls dev to libcurl4 OpenSSL dev. (I only met one libcurl4 gnutls dev here)
then run the command:

# This step will take a long time, wait patiently
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b

sudo dpkg -i git_2.17.1-1ubuntu0.9_amd64.deb

That’s it. Just git again

+ git clone https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf.git /root/.asdf --depth 1
Cloning into '/root/.asdf'...
+ echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/asdf.sh'
+ echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash'
+ echo -e 'legacy_version_file = yes'
+ asdf plugin-add ruby
initializing plugin repository...Cloning into '/root/.asdf/repository'...


I did it again in the afternoon. There was still the same problem. Finally, the reset agent solved it perfectly

git config --global --unset https.https://github.com.proxy 
git config --global --unset http.https://github.com.proxy 

[Solved] Git error: refname refs/heads/master not found

Problems encountered

Create a project and associate it to a git remote warehouse

$ git init
$ git remote add origin [email protected]:abeelan/vue_demo.git
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main

Execute the third line of command, and an error occurs when changing the branch name

error: refname refs/heads/master not found
fatal: Branch rename failed


$ git init
$ git remote add origin [email protected]:abeelan/vue_demo.git
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "demo finished"
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main

To modify the branch name, you need to have a commit before you can change it.

Git push error: RPC failed; curl 7 OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 10054

Today, I encountered an error when submitting code with gitbash
error: RPC failed; curl 7 OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 10054

The common solution on the Internet is:
git config — global http.sslverify “false”
but I still report the same error after trying

Later, it was found that the uploaded file was too large. You can modify the configuration to

execute the statement: git config http.postbuffer 524288000
and then push again. It’s done

Local repository upload to remote repository error: failed to push some refs to ‘https://hub.fastgit.org/zhizhangxuezhang/ui-test.git‘

There is an error in pushing from the local warehouse to the remote warehouse (rejected) because the code of the remote warehouse has been modified directly in the remote warehouse. At this time, the code of the local warehouse is different from that of the remote warehouse, so you must update the code of the local warehouse (Pull) first and then submit (push)

Error log in idea for this problem:

error log in Git bash:

at this time, you can only pull to update your local warehouse and then push to the remote warehouse, but you will find that you will also report an error when you pull to the local warehouse

at this time, your pull command should be changed to the following command, That is, just add a parameter to ignore the history (because the two branches are caused by different versions)

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8)

When uploading code to GitHub using git, the following error occurs:

It is true that there is a large amount of code uploaded at one time, and then expand the post buffer according to the scheme provided on the Internet, but it has no effect here. Maybe the buffer is not large enough, HHH. You can try this plan first.

git config http.postBuffer 524288000

Then, if it has not been solved, try the following scheme. We can see that the error message refers to http/2, so the solution is to switch back to http1 upload. After uploading, switch back to http2.

$ git config --global http.version HTTP/1.1
After it push was ok and I have changed HTTP version to 2 again:
$ git config --global http.version HTTP/2

However, things were always so bad, so I tried to switch to SSH connection.

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:{username}/{repository name}.git


Looking at this line of red and yellow characters, I knew early in the morning that the file was too large, but the above methods didn’t work here. Fortunately, GIT LFS was mentioned in the error prompt. OK, Download git LFS.

For Mac users:

brew install git-lfs

  Then, under the project directory, execute:

git lfs install

Then, use git LFS to track the format of the large file you want to upload. What I upload here is in Bin format, so execute:

git lfs track "*.bin"

Then make sure  . Gitattributes tracked to

git add .gitattributes

Then upload it