Tag Archives: dns

[Solved] CDH ipa: ERROR: Host ‘cdh-master-v02.yunes.com‘ does not have corresponding DNS A/AAAA record

1. Error environment

1. System version: CentOS7.7

2. IPA version: 4.6.8

2. Error occurred when installing Kerberos

1. Error description:

Execute global command Generate lost credentials
/opt/cloudera/cm/bin/gen_credentials_ipa.sh failed with exit code 1 and output of <<
+ export PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
+ PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
+ kinit -k -t /var/run/cloudera-scm-server/cmf8356082187139991822.keytab [email protected]
+ KEYTAB_OUT=/var/run/cloudera-scm-server/cmf1174813005448134353.keytab
+ PRINCIPAL=impala/[email protected]
+ '[' -z /etc/krb5.conf ']'
+ echo 'Using custom config path '\''/etc/krb5.conf'\'', contents below:'
+ cat /etc/krb5.conf
+ PRINC=impala
++ echo impala/[email protected]
++ cut -d/-f 2
++ cut -d @ -f 1
+ HOST=cdh-master-v02.yunes.com
+ set +e
+ ipa host-find cdh-master-v02.yunes.com
+ ERR=0
+ set -e
+ [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
+ echo 'Host cdh-master-v02.yunes.com exists'
+ set +e
+ ipa service-find impala/[email protected]
+ ERR=1
+ set -e
+ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
+ echo 'Adding new principal: impala/[email protected]'
+ ipa service-add impala/[email protected]
ipa: ERROR: Host 'cdh-master-v02.yunes.com' does not have corresponding DNS A/AAAA record

2, the solution (may be version differences in their own choice of test)

ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-cm-v01 –a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-master-v01 –a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-master-v02 –a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v01 –a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v02 –a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v03 –a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-client-v01 –a-rec;

[root@cdh-ipa-v01 ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-cm-v01 --a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-master-v01 --a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-master-v02 --a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v01 --a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v02 --a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v03 --a-rec;
ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-client-v01 --a-rec;  Record name: cdh-cm-v01
  A record:
  SSHFP record: 1 1 2EE47C060AD498FACE720384A62F5672A24F2B15, 1 2 E0F507FC5983919E80A81397167FE5B0A31247E55B9FE96D1F789534 35250808, 3 1
                182B18E515A1A9D4C7B434BA4775876709F6DF2A, 3 2 76C34C382E5060EF30D0545A82D8BC0DB3D18034849CCE3ECB601A37 08F8F36C, 4 1
                67CE1FEB39325B57790BB046035E53A3AF2B893C, 4 2 CBDE7A7845393E7C60713731DE0F18CA7670FDA37A8232E2F53AE401 527D1248
[root@cdh-ipa-v01 ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-master-v01 --a-rec;
  Record name: cdh-master-v01
  A record:
  SSHFP record: 1 1 2EE47C060AD498FACE720384A62F5672A24F2B15, 1 2 E0F507FC5983919E80A81397167FE5B0A31247E55B9FE96D1F789534 35250808, 3 1
                182B18E515A1A9D4C7B434BA4775876709F6DF2A, 3 2 76C34C382E5060EF30D0545A82D8BC0DB3D18034849CCE3ECB601A37 08F8F36C, 4 1
                67CE1FEB39325B57790BB046035E53A3AF2B893C, 4 2 CBDE7A7845393E7C60713731DE0F18CA7670FDA37A8232E2F53AE401 527D1248
[root@cdh-ipa-v01 ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-master-v02 --a-rec;
  Record name: cdh-master-v02
  A record:
  SSHFP record: 1 1 2EE47C060AD498FACE720384A62F5672A24F2B15, 1 2 E0F507FC5983919E80A81397167FE5B0A31247E55B9FE96D1F789534 35250808, 3 1
                182B18E515A1A9D4C7B434BA4775876709F6DF2A, 3 2 76C34C382E5060EF30D0545A82D8BC0DB3D18034849CCE3ECB601A37 08F8F36C, 4 1
                67CE1FEB39325B57790BB046035E53A3AF2B893C, 4 2 CBDE7A7845393E7C60713731DE0F18CA7670FDA37A8232E2F53AE401 527D1248
[root@cdh-ipa-v01 ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v01 --a-rec;
  Record name: cdh-datanode-v01
  A record:
  SSHFP record: 1 1 2EE47C060AD498FACE720384A62F5672A24F2B15, 1 2 E0F507FC5983919E80A81397167FE5B0A31247E55B9FE96D1F789534 35250808, 3 1
                182B18E515A1A9D4C7B434BA4775876709F6DF2A, 3 2 76C34C382E5060EF30D0545A82D8BC0DB3D18034849CCE3ECB601A37 08F8F36C, 4 1
                67CE1FEB39325B57790BB046035E53A3AF2B893C, 4 2 CBDE7A7845393E7C60713731DE0F18CA7670FDA37A8232E2F53AE401 527D1248
[root@cdh-ipa-v01 ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v02 --a-rec;
  Record name: cdh-datanode-v02
  A record:
  SSHFP record: 1 1 2EE47C060AD498FACE720384A62F5672A24F2B15, 1 2 E0F507FC5983919E80A81397167FE5B0A31247E55B9FE96D1F789534 35250808, 3 1
                182B18E515A1A9D4C7B434BA4775876709F6DF2A, 3 2 76C34C382E5060EF30D0545A82D8BC0DB3D18034849CCE3ECB601A37 08F8F36C, 4 1
                67CE1FEB39325B57790BB046035E53A3AF2B893C, 4 2 CBDE7A7845393E7C60713731DE0F18CA7670FDA37A8232E2F53AE401 527D1248
[root@cdh-ipa-v01 ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-datanode-v03 --a-rec;
  Record name: cdh-datanode-v03
  A record:
  SSHFP record: 1 1 2EE47C060AD498FACE720384A62F5672A24F2B15, 1 2 E0F507FC5983919E80A81397167FE5B0A31247E55B9FE96D1F789534 35250808, 3 1
                182B18E515A1A9D4C7B434BA4775876709F6DF2A, 3 2 76C34C382E5060EF30D0545A82D8BC0DB3D18034849CCE3ECB601A37 08F8F36C, 4 1
                67CE1FEB39325B57790BB046035E53A3AF2B893C, 4 2 CBDE7A7845393E7C60713731DE0F18CA7670FDA37A8232E2F53AE401 527D1248
[root@cdh-ipa-v01 ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add yunes.com cdh-client-v01 --a-rec;
  Record name: cdh-client-v01
  A record:
  SSHFP record: 1 1 2EE47C060AD498FACE720384A62F5672A24F2B15, 1 2 E0F507FC5983919E80A81397167FE5B0A31247E55B9FE96D1F789534 35250808, 3 1
                182B18E515A1A9D4C7B434BA4775876709F6DF2A, 3 2 76C34C382E5060EF30D0545A82D8BC0DB3D18034849CCE3ECB601A37 08F8F36C, 4 1
                67CE1FEB39325B57790BB046035E53A3AF2B893C, 4 2 CBDE7A7845393E7C60713731DE0F18CA7670FDA37A8232E2F53AE401 527D1248
[root@cdh-ipa-v01 ~]# 


ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 200 –ptr-rec cdh-cm-v01.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 201 –ptr-rec cdh-master-v01.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 202 –ptr-rec cdh-master-v02.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 203 –ptr-rec cdh-datanode-v01.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 204 –ptr-rec cdh-datanode-v02.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 205 –ptr-rec cdh-datanode-v03.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 206 –ptr-rec cdh-client-v01.yunes.com.

ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 200 --ptr-rec cdh-cm-v01.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 201 --ptr-rec cdh-master-v01.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 202 --ptr-rec cdh-master-v02.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 203 --ptr-rec cdh-datanode-v01.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 204 --ptr-rec cdh-datanode-v02.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 205 --ptr-rec cdh-datanode-v03.yunes.com.
ipa dnsrecord-add 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa 206 --ptr-rec cdh-client-v01.yunes.com.


Parsing error name or service not known [How to Solve]

Problem phenomenon

On the node7 node of Alibaba OCP cluster, a domain name cannot be resolved when it is resolved. Error message: name or service not known


After testing, it is found that this problem does not only occur in node7 nodes. In all servers in Alibaba cloud East China 2 (Shanghai) zone F, the domain name cannot be resolved (other zones are normal).


After confirming with ALI engineers, the problem is caused by the fact that the self built DNS authoritative server that resolves the domain name does not support EDNS. The DNS community requires that the authoritative server must support EDNS, otherwise the localdns does not have a work around mechanism. However, due to different versions of alicloud’s localdns, it has not been completely upgraded. Therefore, some regions (availability zone f) comply with this Convention and cannot be parsed, while some regions are compatible with this workaround and can be parsed


(1) The other side creates its own authoritative DNS and turns on EDNS
(2) modify the resolver of ECs to and 223.6.6. The two DNS have not removed the workaround of ends

Event ID 407, 408 – when NAT is used as a DNS server


You are the administrator of TestKing’s network, which consists of a single Windows 2000 Domain. The

relevant portion of its configuration is shown in the exhibit.

You configure a Windows 2000 Server computer named NAT1 as the DNS server for the domain. You

install Routing and Remote Access on NAT1. You configure NAT1 to provide network address

translation services for client computers to access the Internet.

Users now report that they cannot log on to the domain or access network resources. On investigation,

you discover that you cannot query NAT1 for name resolution. In the application event log on NAT1, you

find the following event messages:

Event ID: 407

Source: DNS

Description: DNS server could not bind a datagram (UDP) socket to The data is the error.

Event ID: 408

Source: DNS

Description: DNS server could not open socket for address

Verify that this is a valid IP address on this machine.

How should you correct this problem?

A. Disable the DNS proxy functionality on NAT1

B. Enable the DNS proxy functionality on NAT1

C. Reconfigure the DNS server service not to listen on the internal address of NAT1.

D. Reconfigure the DNS server service not to listen on the external address of NAT1.

Answer: C

Explanation: This problem can occur when you have a NAT server that also is used as a DNS server. NAT has

a DNS Proxy setting that enables DHCP clients to direct DNS queries to the NAT server. The client DNS

queries are then forwarded to the NAT server’s configured DNS server. The DNS Proxy and the DNS Server

service cannot coexist on the same host, if the host is using the same interface and IP address with the default


There are three methods to overcome this problem:

1. Reconfigure the DNS server service not to listen on the internal address. This is the solution in this scenario.

2. Install NAT and DNS on different servers. We cannot change this configuration here since this option is not


3. Use the DHCP server Service in NAT, NOT the DHCP Allocator and DNS Proxy.

Reference: JSI Tip 3284, Your DNS Event Log reports Event Ids 407 and 408

Incorrect Answers:

A: We could disable both the DNS proxy functionality and the DHCP allocator.

B: The DNS proxy function on the NAT server is partly to blame. Enabling it will not help.

D: We must configure the DNS server not to listen to the internal address, not the external address.

An error occurred while processing your request

One error occurred while processing your request. One more error occurred while processing your request.

Recently, when I visited the Apple developer’s website, I was frequently prompted to change my password. As one netizen put it, I ran out of passwords… What’s more annoying is that when I log into the Apple developer website with MBP, I will report the following error:
An error occurred while processing your request.
the Reference # 97. A40a4cdb. 1377947415.57 b2224a

opens at certificate findings suggest “a248.e.akamai.net this certificate is invalid (does not match the host name)”

use winxp desktop can normal login.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
is the problem for several days, the website can change the host files, but still I tried after an error. I couldn’t log in to Windows all the time, so I continued to look for problems. I spent a lot of time with the key chain and installed Firefox, but I couldn’t solve them. Finally, search to the https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1893170?start=0& Tstart =0
basically means you can add two DNS:,

After modification, the login was successful. At least you can log in now. Please pray that there will be no error in the future.

Debian using networking to restart the network can not start the solution of network card

cause: > today’s work required to configure a DNS server for the wireless terminal configuration host test (of course, you can buy a wireless router that can match host, please skip it). Then I set up a DNS server with debian7.5. Every time I configure and restart networking ( service networking restart), the network card could not be started and then there was no way. I went to ifup eth0 to start my network card, but I don’t know why it is like this. Before, ubuntu can be restarted directly. So services networking restart comes again
try to find a way, first in the computer room to see, there is an alarm, but the server room does not take a browser, can not be copied. Start the network card first. Then go back to your office and get the log with the following command, and search for it all at once

service networking restart >>log.txt &&ifup eth0

Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not re-enable some interfaces … (warning).

Reconfiguring network interfaces… Reloading /etc/samba/smb.conf: smbd only.


the answer is

in the first Google post


The reason is that/etc/init.d/networking uses the program “ifup-a”. This starts only network interfaces that are marked with “auto”.

This means that the previous command to restart the network is equivalent to using ifup-a, but only starts network devices with auto fields in interfaces by default. The solution is to add the eth0 field as

try it again, done.