Tag Archives: developers

An error occurred while processing your request

One error occurred while processing your request. One more error occurred while processing your request.

Recently, when I visited the Apple developer’s website, I was frequently prompted to change my password. As one netizen put it, I ran out of passwords… What’s more annoying is that when I log into the Apple developer website with MBP, I will report the following error:
An error occurred while processing your request.
the Reference # 97. A40a4cdb. 1377947415.57 b2224a

opens at certificate findings suggest “a248.e.akamai.net this certificate is invalid (does not match the host name)”

use winxp desktop can normal login.

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is the problem for several days, the website can change the host files, but still I tried after an error. I couldn’t log in to Windows all the time, so I continued to look for problems. I spent a lot of time with the key chain and installed Firefox, but I couldn’t solve them. Finally, search to the https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1893170?start=0& Tstart =0
basically means you can add two DNS:,

After modification, the login was successful. At least you can log in now. Please pray that there will be no error in the future.