Start Tomcat and report error occurred during initialization of VM could not reserve enough space for object

Double click the mouse to start cattom startup.bat Flashback and operation error occurred, localhost:8080 Naturally, web pages can’t be opened.

1. Can be edited in startup.bat , add a line at the end to view the information of running error. In order to see the information in more detail, let’s change another sentence: find call% executable% “run% CMD_ LINE_ Args% replaces start with run.


2. After joining, save and run startup.bat Error occurred during initialization of VM could not reserve enough space for object heap The Tomcat memory parameter of the file is too large, which is caused by exceeding the total available memory of the machine. You can modify it to an appropriate value.

3. Find it in the bin directory of Tomcat catalina.bat Edit and join, save and exit startup.bat That’s it.

set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms512m -Xmx512m  -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

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