Resolve Tree Conflict SVN (local unversioned, incoming add upon update)
This is something I come across surprisingly often. When rolling out a new site, we try to never remove the logs directory seeing things like apache will have the log files open. We rollout using svn, which tends to leave us in a bit of a messed up state, if you see something like the following with your repo, this advice is for you!
svn status
D C logs
local unversioned, incoming add upon update
Summary of conflicts:
Tree conflicts: 1
The solution that I’ve found works best is:
svn resolve
–accept working logs
Resolved conflicted state of
svn revert logs
svn status
Read More:
- Unable to resolve dependency tree
- Cannot checkout from svn:E155004:Run ‘svn cleanup‘ to remove locks(type ‘svn help cleanup ‘ for deta
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