[Python error] using PIP / easy under Windows_ Fail error in launcher: unable to create process using

Once the Python installation under Windows is complete, several exe files are generated under the Python installation directory scripts, including easy_install and PIP,
We add the above path to the system environment variable after normal conditions
You can use tools such as easy_install, but on 64-bit systems you will get errors like the following:
C:\Python27\Scripts> easy_install sqlalchemy
Fatal error in launcher: Python27\python.exe
“”C:\Python27\Scripts\easy_install. Exe” sqlalchemy
is not consistent with the default python installation path in the tool when using tools such as easy_install, so we need to explicitly call python to install:
Python -m easy_install sqlalchemy
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the author: HymanLiuTS
source: CSDN:
the original https://blog.csdn.net/hyman_c/article/details/52755628
copyright statement: this article original articles for bloggers, reproduced please attach link to blog!

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