Python common error: if using all scalar values, you must pass an index (four solutions)

(author: Chen’s freebies)

1, error scenario:

import pandas as pd
dict = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
data = pd.DataFrame(dict)

2, error reason:

The dictionary

is passed in directly with the nominal attribute value and index is required, that is, index is set when the DataFrame object is created.

3, solution:

Creating DataFrame objects with a

dictionary is a common requirement, but it can be written differently depending on the object form. Look at the code, the following four methods can correct this error, and produce the same correct results, which method to use according to your own needs.

import pandas as pd

dict = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
data = pd.DataFrame(dict,index=[0])

dict = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}

dict = {'a':[1],'b':[2],'c':[3]}
data = pd.DataFrame(dict)

dict = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}

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