[opencv + openvino] opencv-vino4.5.1 + opencv contrib installation

Get opencv vino

    git clone --branch 4.5.1 https://github.com/opencv/opencv_ contrib.git git clone --branch 4.5.1-openvino https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git opencv_ Place contrib in opencv directory

    Enter the opencv Directory:

      mkdir build & cd buildcmake -D CMAKE_ BUILD_ TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_ INSTALL_ PREFIX=/usr/local -D INSTALL_ PYTHON_ EXAMPLES=ON -D OPENCV_ EXTRA_ MODULES_ PATH=../../opencv_ contrib/modules -D WITH_ INF_ ENGINE=ON -D ENABLE_ CXX11=ON -D PYTHON_ EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python ..

    Common errors and solutions:

      opencv_ contrib/modules/xfeatures2d/src/ boostdesc.cpp:673 :20: fatal error: boostdesc_ BGM. I: no such file or directory
      source code compilation is adopted, so you can view the log file in the build folder CMakeDownloadLog.txt , in the log file CMakeDownloadLog.txt Search for bootdesc in_ BGM. I keyword (not search in the folder),
      found that the file download failed. The log file has its download address. You can directly copy the download address to the web page to see the source code of the file. You can directly copy the source code and save the file with the same name and put it in OpenCV_ The path of contrib/modules/xfeatures2d/SRC/ is OK.
      Baidu network disk download address: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BeYF8kqEZLAJYQj-MvxpmA Password: e1wc (thank you for sharing) fatal error: features2d/test/test_ detectors_ regression.impl.hpp : no such file or directory
      copy opencv/modules/features2d and paste it into the build directory to solve the problem. Final error: opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp: no such file or directory
      Add OpenCV_ The problem of can be solved by copying the contrib/modules/xfeatures 2D/include/opencv2 folder to the /usr/local/include/opencv2/ folder

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