Maven download and configuration

maven download and configure

  1. website

  2. click on the download

  3. in the Previous Choose archives of the Releases

  4. choose to download the version of the

    into to the directory selected binaries, click the apache maven – 3.6.1 track – bin. To download and unzip the zip

    1. environment variable configuration of

      add a new variable

      in the path configuration MAVEN_HOME % % \ bin

      maven – input in the CMD version to see success

    2. modify the configuration file

      modify the apache maven – 3.6.1 \ conf \ Settings XML

      • specifies your warehouse location

      • configuration mirror

            <!-- 阿里云仓库 -->
                <name>aliyun maven</name>

      • the idea of maven associated Settings

        choose from the menu file – Settings

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