Maven compilation error Checksum validation failed, error in opening zip file

Problem: Error reporting MVN compile time
1) Checksum Validation Failed, expected < ! DOCTYPE but is c53aeb6e9e798502f6e4d9283b4747c24ceba6f5.
2) read/Users/m2/repository/com/alibaba/druid/1.0.20/druid – 1.0.20. An error occurred when the jar; error in opening zip file

[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
Downloading from codelds:
Downloaded from codelds: (0 B at 0 B/s)
[WARNING] The POM for org.springframework:spring-core:jar:4.2.6.RELEASE is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details
Downloading from codelds:
[WARNING] Checksum validation failed, expected <!DOCTYPE but is c53aeb6e9e798502f6e4d9283b4747c24ceba6f5 from codelds for
[WARNING] Could not validate integrity of download from Checksum validation failed, expected <!DOCTYPE but is c53aeb6e9e798502f6e4d9283b4747c24ceba6f5
[WARNING] Checksum validation failed, expected <!DOCTYPE but is c53aeb6e9e798502f6e4d9283b4747c24ceba6f5 from codelds for
Downloaded from codelds: (7.5 kB at 1.9 kB/s)

. . . .
[ERROR] Error while reading /Users/.m2/repository/com/alibaba/druid/1.0.20/druid-1.0.20.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error reading /Users/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-core/4.3.11.Final/hibernate-core-4.3.11.Final.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error reading /Users/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-ehcache/4.3.11.Final/hibernate-ehcache-4.3.11.Final.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error reading /Users/.m2/repository/org/quartz-scheduler/quartz/2.2.2/quartz-2.2.2.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error when reading /Users/.m2/repository/com/oracle/ojdbc6/; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error reading /Users/.m2/repository/com/alibaba/druid/1.0.20/druid-1.0.20.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error reading /Users/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-core/4.3.11.Final/hibernate-core-4.3.11.Final.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error reading /Users/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-ehcache/4.3.11.Final/hibernate-ehcache-4.3.11.Final.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error reading /Users/.m2/repository/org/quartz-scheduler/quartz/2.2.2/quartz-2.2.2.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] Error when reading /Users/.m2/repository/com/oracle/ojdbc6/; error in opening zip file

Asked under Baidu, said the JAR package download problem, may be the permission of what the problem, Blah blah blah…
Watch the pom project, refers to the remote warehouse,,
Browser view found that the site is being maintained, so changed the address of the remote warehouse, with the central warehouse to download the compilation can be;

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