existing certificate
import certificate
#kubectl create secret tls example-secret --key cert/xxx.key --cert cert/xxx.pem
note that the name and suffix can be changed, such as the possibility that the certificate suffix is CRT.
ingressde yaml file configuration example:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: example
- hosts:
- www.example.com
secretName: example-secret
- host: www.example.com
- backend:
serviceName: example
servicePort: 80
kubectl get secret
self-generated certificate
can do its own ca, generate its own certificate,. But this way your debugging can also used as a production environment, most browsers will prompt site is not safe, you can configure the browser to trust your own ca, but other users can’t all such operations, so you can go to some free certificate application website to apply for free use, although there is a life, but also is a kind of emergency plans.
Read More:
- Configure HTTPS and self signed certificate for nginx
- Idea svn connection https error report: E230001: Server SSL certificate verification failed: certificate issued
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- SAP ABAP HTTPS installation certificate to SAP application server
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- svn: E230001: Server SSL certificate verification failed: certificate issued
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