Installation and use of graphviz under mac

1. Install
MAC users recommend to install directly with homebrew, the official version is older

1. Install homebrew
open the terminal to copy and paste the following command:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

After homebrew is installed, run brew install Graphviz to

Brew: command not found
= bash: brew: command not found

terminal input sudo vim.bash_profile ,
input I to enter the input mode,
add export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH",
press esc to exit the input mode,
enter :wq to exit and save
finally enter source.bash_profile to make the configuration take effect.
(note that : and Spaces are also entered, bash_profile may be saved with a warning, :w! force can be saved, more vim command reference

2. Use
for a random example:
1. Use the text editor (sublime in this case) to type the following:

digraph pic { 
  Hello -> World

3. Open the terminal and switch to the directory where the dot file is located, enter dot png-o pic.png
4. You can see that a pic.png file

has been generated under the dot file directory


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