Install error after vs compilation (error msb3073)

The following error occurred in VS compilation:
Error MSB3073: command “setLocal
H:\PCL_BACKUP\PCL\CMake\bin\ cmake.exe-dbuild_type =Release -p cmake_install. Cmake
%errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
endLoca>amp; call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & Goto :cmDone
exit /b %1
i>errorlevel % neq 0 goto :VCEnd
: vcend> C: \ Program Files \ MSBuild \ Microsoft (x86) Cpp \ v4.0 \ V120 \ Microsoft CppCommon. The targets of 132 5 INSTALL
Find the problematic project subitem
(install) project – & gt; Property – & gt; Generate events –>; Late generation event –>; Using –> in the build; no

When running vs

    , the install directory Settings in the disk C, did not start as an administrator will appear this kind of problem! CD :/openMVG/ install; CD :/openMVG/ install; CD :/eigen_3_4/eigen/installHere; CD :/eigen_3_4/eigen/installHere However, there is no installHere folder under D:/eigen_3_4/eigen/, so simply manually setting up the folder installHere can solve the problem.

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