Image proxy settings Flash + JavaScript

The article directories
Problem description idea specific implementation front end back end

Problem description
If is request picture originally, now ask for pictures, you will need to do an image proxy
(request pictures to our own when the server request, then our HTTP server request images, the result of the HTTP in the way back to the web site of the HTTPS)
Train of thought
First, add an API locally for the front-end request that returns the modified image URL
The specific implementation
The front end
Original version:

showImage(url) {
    if (url.startsWith('http://')) {
        if (url.includes('') || url.includes('')) {
            return url.replace('http://', 'https://')
        } else {
            return return '' + url
    } else {
        return url

Image URL contains /, so in Flask is mistaken for routing calls, so you need to for the original URL with Base64 encryption
modify after:

import {Base64} from 'js-base64'
const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:5000'
// const BASE_URL = ''
showImage(url) {
    if (url.startsWith('http://')) {
        if (url.includes('') || url.includes('')) {
            return url.replace('http://', 'https://')
        } else {
            return BASE_URL + '/api/v1/image/' + Base64.encode(url)
    } else {
        return url

The back-end

from flask_restplus import Namespace, Resource
from flask import request, make_response
from maintenance import check_maintenance, not_under_maintenance
import requests
from flask import Response, stream_with_context
import base64
image_api = Namespace('image', description='image related public interface')

@image_api.param('image_url', 'The original image url')
class Image(Resource):
    def get(self, image_url):
        image_url = base64.b64decode(image_url)
        res = requests.get(image_url, stream = True)
        return Response(stream_with_context(res.iter_content(2048)), content_type = res.headers['content-type']) 

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