How to use high version OpenGL under Windows

Windows only supports OpenGL1.1, but graphics cards may implement the related functions of higher versions of OpenGL directly from the hardware. How do you call a higher version of OpenGL in development?
Let’s start with a look at the OpenGL version and related function extensions supported by a graphics card:
To see what version of OpenGL the graphics card supports: glGetString(GL_VERSION);
To see the supported extensions: glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
See more detailed information.
Note: call glGetString(GLemun); Be sure to initialize the drawing window before doing so, otherwise only null will be returned.
Calling extensions with glew:
After confirm the graphics support high version of the function can be used to glew libraries ( to invoke, configured information can be used after glew libraries. What I want to point out here is that before using the OpenGL function declared in the advanced version of Glew, you must make the following call:
GLenum err = glewInit ();
if (GLEW_OK! = err)
* Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong. */
f>tf (stderr, “Error: %s/n”, glewgeterrorString (err));
You can also use glee,glext, and mesa.
Glee is similar to Glew,glext is a bit cumbersome to use, and mesa is a platform-independent implementation of OpenGL.

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