“Error in configuration process project files may be invalid” appears during cmake compilation

Opencv_contribCmake problem: CMakeError at cmake/OpenCVUtils cmake: 1043 (file)

opencv3.2+opencv_contrib+cmake/ u> opencv3.2+opencv_contrib+cmake opencv3.2+opencv_contrib+cmake opencv3.2+opencv_contrib+cmake
I checked it online and said that OpenCVContrib and OpenCV must have the same version number, but I did download the 3.2.0 version. Further view is opencv_contrib320 \ modules \ \. Within DNN download \ bd5e3eed635a8d32e2b99658633815ef file out of the question, is automatically downloaded in the download protobuf – CPP – 3.1.0. Tar and need is protobuf – CPP – 3.2.0. Tar, then separate download protobuf – CPP – 3.2.0. Replaced the tar, and success
Refer to the article: https://blog.csdn.net/lulumi2016/article/details/77984546

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