[error handling] when logging into MySQL with CentOS command, an error 1045 (28000) is reported

When logging into MySQL with CentOS command, error 1045 (28000): access denied for user is reported root@localhost (using password: no) error resolution

1. Disable MySQL service: #/etc/RC. D/init. D/mysqld stop

2. Input command: #/mysqld_ Safe — user = MySQL — skip grant tables — skip Networking & amp;

3. Log in to the database: # MySQL – U root MySQL

4. MySQL & gt; use MySQL; the results are as follows:

database changed 5. MySQL & gt; update user set password = password (‘newpassword ‘) where user’ =’newuser ‘; the results are as follows:

query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec) rows matched: 3 changed: 3 warnings: 0

MySQL & gt; flush priorities;

the results are as follows:

query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MySQL & gt; quit

;/etc/RC. D/init. D/MySQL D restart

MySQL – u newuser – P

Enter password:newpassword


mysql> ≪ login successful & gt;

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