Category Archives: Error

How to Solve OpenCV CVUI Error: LINK2019

OpenCV CVUI Error: LINK2019

1、Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol “void __cdecl cvui::init(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator > const &,int,bool)” (?init@cvui@@YAXAEBV?b a s i c s t r i n g @ D U ? basic_string@DU?basic 
 tring@DU?char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@H_N@Z) referenced in function main

2、Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol “bool __cdecl cvui::button(class cv::Mat &,int,int,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator > const &)” (?button@cvui@@YA_NAEAVMat@cv@@HHAEBV?b a s i c s t r i n g @ D U ? basic_string@DU?basic 
 tring@DU?char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z) referenced in function main DotMatrix

3、Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol “void __cdecl cvui::printf(class cv::Mat &,int,int,double,unsigned int,char const *,…)” (?printf@cvui@@YAXAEAVMat@cv@@HHNIPEBDZZ) referenced in function main

4、Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol “void __cdecl cvui::update(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator > const &)” (?update@cvui@@YAXAEBV?b a s i c s t r i n g @ D U ? basic_string@DU?basic 
 tring@DU?char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z) referenced in function main DotMatrix



Add the codes below before the .cpp

#include "cvui.h"

[Solved] Wechat IOS signature error config:fail

When sharing on wechat H5, I found that Android was ok, and IOS kept reporting config:fail

Later, it was found that noncestr and timestamp must not be int values. If the int returned in the background needs to be converted into a string

        debug: false, // Enable debug mode, the return value of all api calls will be alerted out in the client side, if you want to see the incoming parameters, you can open it in the pc side, the parameter information will be typed out by log, only when the pc side will be printed.
        appId: '*******', // required, the unique identifier of the public number
        timestamp: res.timestamp + '', // required, the timestamp of the signature generation
        nonceStr: res.nonceStr + '', // required, the random string to generate the signature
        signature: res.signature, // mandatory, signature
        jsApiList: ['updateAppMessageShareData', 'hideMenuItems'] // required, the list of JS interfaces to be used

[Solved] LaTeX Error: \Url Error ->\url used in a moving argument.

LaTeX error: \Url Error ->\url used in a moving argument.

Error Messages:

\Url Error ->\url used in a moving argument.

Causes and Solutions

To use \url{…} in footnotes, images, table titles, etc. and other commands, you need to use \protect before.

For example:

  I would thank to Xovee Xu (\url{})

// or 

  Please refer to \url{}

Change to

  I would thank to Xovee Xu (\protect\url{}). 

// or 

  Please refer to \protect\url{}. 

[Solved] Service Start Error When Horizon View Composer is Installing

Errors are reported as follows: error 1920 Service VMware horizon view composer (SVID) failed to start Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services

click start – > Search for services – > Locate VMware horizon view composer – > Right click Properties – > Click “login” to log in with the domain administrator account, save it, and reinstall it.

Select VMware horizon view composer and right-click properties

Log in as a domain administrator account in the login options

click OK and apply to return to reinstall.

[Solved] Gerrit Error: Permission denied publickey

Gerrit reports an error: permission denied solution

Foreword solution


When using the Gerrit clone code, you will find an error. The error message is probably: permission denied (publickey)

openssh has abandoned RSA encryption keys since version 8.8 for security reasons
openssh thinks that RSA cracking costs too little, so it is disabled if there is a risk
you can use the command:
ssh -v [git server]

Check the openssh version number of the Gerrit server.
if it is ≥ 8.8, you can use this method.


Enter the machine SSH directory,
create a new config file without suffix:

The content is:

Host gerrit's IP or domain name
HostName gerrit's IP or domain name
User Gerrit's user name (e.g. zhangsan)
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Port 29418 (Gerrit port)

Once configured, the clone is OK. Generally, there is no problem.

[Solved] ZYNQ download program error: Memory write error at 0x100000. APB

Error while launching program: 

Memory write error at 0x100000. APB Memory access port is disabled

This error occurs because the DDR model is not selected correctly. Just check the DDR model.

One is the data width of DDR. If it is a single chip, it is generally 16 bits, and two chips are generally 32 bits.

[Solved] matlab Error: Error in port widths or dimensions. ‘Output Port 1‘ of ‘sl_arm_ibvs/camera‘

When running the Manipulator Simulation in MATLAB visual servo toolbox, the following problems are encountered: error in port widths or dimensions. ‘ Output Port 1’ of ‘sl_ arm_ ibvs/camera’ is a [28×1] matrix.

The problem is caused by the wrong input vector dimension at the red circle dimension in the figure below.

Here the p for the camera pixel coordinate system under the coordinate value, should be 2 * 4 vectors.

Solution: The new version of Machine Vision Toolbox for MATLAB toolbox lacks the module “slcamera.m”, open the camera module in simulate.

Double click the MATLAB FCN module, and you will be prompted that “slcamera” cannot be found. Select new:

Type the following code:

function p = slcamera(cam, u)
    %if all(u == 0)
     if (u(1:16,:)==0)
        % Simulink is probing for the dimensions
        np = (length(u)-16)/3;
        p = zeros(2, np);
        p = zeros(2, 4);
        P = reshape(u(17:end), 3, []);
        Tcam = reshape(u(1:16), 4, 4);
        p = cam.plot(P, 'pose', Tcam, 'drawnow');

Run simulate again, you can see the error report and disappear, then you should encounter the following error.

Error in ‘sl_arm_ibvs/camera/MATLAB Fcn’. Evaluation of expression resulted in an invalid output.
Only finite double vector or matrix outputs are supported

I am also working on a solution for this error, so please stay tuned.

[Solved] error getting credentials – err: exit status GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceU


When using docker-compose to build the environment, the following error messages appear

error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files


sudo apt install gnupg2 pass

[Solved] Visdom Error: raise ConnectionError

Use visdom to visualize loss in the network. First, enter in the terminal:

python -m visdom.server

Then run the code, the result is an error, and the following information appears:

 raise ConnectionError(e, request=request)
HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8097): 
Max retries exceeded with url: /events (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f6734182d50>: 
Failed to establish a new connection: 
[Errno 111] Connection refused'))

After Baidu, I found the solution:

Finished running the command: python -m visdom.serve, the following sentence will appear:

Setting up a new session...

To keep the terminal on this page, create a new terminal and run the network code in the new terminal.

Then open the link in the browser:


You can see the curve being drawn.