Arthas selects PID error and port occupancy error

After Arthas starts, select PID to report an error

The error is as follows:

[ERROR] Can not read maven-metadata.xml from:
[ERROR] Can not find Arthas under local: /root/.arthas/lib and remote: aliyun

Network access, direct download full package, decompression use
GitHub answers:

Arthas 3658 port occupancy error

The error is as follows:

[ERROR] Target process 19045 is not the process using port 3658, you will connect to an unexpected process.
[ERROR] 1. Try to restart arthas-boot, select process 2452, shutdown it first with running the 'shutdown' command.
[ERROR] 2. Or try to use different telnet port, for example: java -jar arthas-boot.jar --telnet-port 9998 --http-port -1

Netstat – ANP | grep 3658 can see the process ID that occupies the port. Just specify the port according to the method prompted at the end of the log

java -jar arthas-boot.jar –telnet-port 9998 –http-port -1

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