On the current page, when you execute charts drawing for many times, the console will give a warning “there is a chart instance already initialized on the DOM”, which means: “a chart instance has been initialized on the DOM”
Add the method of drawing ecarts to judge whether it already exists. If it exists, it can be destroyed. The code example is as follows:
data() {
return {
drawRing1() {
if (
this.myRingChart1 != null &&
this.myRingChart1 != '' &&
this.myRingChart1 != undefined
) {
this.myRingChart1.dispose() //Solve the error reported by echarts dom already loaded
// Initialize the echarts instance based on the prepared dom
this.myRingChart1 = echarts.init(this.$refs['myRingChart1'])
Read More:
- [Solved] Import Echars5.0 Error: “export ‘default‘ (imported as ‘echarts‘) was not found in ‘echarts‘
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- The echots in Vue reports an error. After obtaining the DOM element, the chart can be displayed. The console still reports an error
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