The reason why HashMap multithreads send out life and death loops

This article is a learning record of Vaccine: Java HashMap’s endless loop, welcome to discuss ~
Suppose the state of a cylinder to be expanded is as follows:
1->; 2-> Null
1 for the current thread to insert a new element of an array of e: 1 and the next element next:
when thread 2 completed the expansion, the pointer to the current status to 2 – & gt; 1-> NULL
Thread 1 continues:
rst (e:1,next:2)
n>arrel :1 ->; null


> (e:2,next:1)
> 1-> null


new barrel :1 ->; 2-> 1 is just 1 lt; -> 2


7 using head insert, 1.8 using tail insert for capacity expansion.
1.7 using head insert, 1.8 using tail insert for capacity expansion.

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